外国名著英语读书笔记 The Tragedy of Hamlet

2020年08月07日 19:37


外国名著英语读书笔记 The Tragedy of

第一篇:The Tragedy of Hamlet
Hamlet is also considered The summit of shakespeare’s art.
The story comes from an old danish legend.
a dramatic speech uttered by one character speaking aloud
while alone on The soliloquist reveals his or her
inner thoughts and feelings to The audience.
neiTher a weak-minded youth nor a thought-sick dreamer,a
unbounded love for The world;
cherishes a profound reverence for manfirm belief in man’s
power over destiny.
? “to be or not to be” soliloquy:
?it’s human nature to feel cowardly and ineffective when
you’re unable (or too smart) to take decisive (or rash) action.
? The story
The action of The play is laid in denmark. gertrude, queen of
denmark, widowed by The sudden death of The king, within two
months marries The late kings broTher claudius who thus becomes

The new king.
prince Hamlet, son of The lake king, returns home from The
university of wittenberg. he suspects foul play on The part of
claudius, his uncle. Then his faThers ghost appears to him at
The castle of elsinore, and confirms Hamlets suspicion. he
undertakes to avenge The murder. to dull claudius vigilance,
Hamlet pretends to have gone mad. however, his madness is taken
by polonius, an old courtier, to be an emotional disturbance
due to his passion for ophelia, daughter of polonius.
at this moment, a company of players visits The castle,
and Hamlet has a play acted, which resembles The late kings
murder. claudius is deeply disturbed by The performance and
leaves The hall before The play is finished. Hamlet is summoned
by his moTher, who tells him that he has offended The king.
Hamlet reveals claudius baseness and expresses his indignation
at her hasty
marriage. Then Hamlet becomes aware that he is being overheard
in The conversation. thinking it is claudius that is in hiding,
he runs his sword through The arras but finds The eavesdropper
thus killed to be polonius.
to get ride of Hamlet, claudius send him to england and
sends assassins to kill him on The voyage. but Hamlet succeeds

in coming out of it alive and returns to denmark again.
heart-broken at The death of her faTher, poor ophelia goes
mad and Then is drowned in a stream. Hamlet returns just at The
time of ophelia’s funeral. in The grave-yard he has a quarrel
with laertes, ophelia’s broTher.
latertes vows to avenge The death of his sister and faTher.
with him claudius arranges that laertes is to challenge Hamlet
to a friendly duel and kill him with a poisoned rapier. in The
sword play, laertes wounds Hamlet but is himself struck with
The same poisoned rapier by Hamlet. before death, laertes
reveals The plot to Hamlet. The queen, at this moment, has drunk
from a poisoned cup intended for Hamlet. Hamlet Then, in a
passion, stabs claudius. The queen dies, claudius dies, laertes
dies, Hamlet dies. and Hamlets body is borne off with military
ceremonial, by fortinbras his successor. The rest is silence.
The tragical history of Hamlet, prince of denmark
学家 saxo grammaticus 的记载,叙述丹麦王子哈姆雷特替父亲报仇,
杀死他的篡夺王位的叔父的故事 。莎士比亚在剧本中改造了丹麦的历
艺复兴时期人文主义思想家 的理想与资本主义原始积累时期社会现

实之间的无法调和的矛盾。剧本中所描述的中世纪 的丹麦实际上就是
期英国 社会进步青年的代表。对于这些青年来说,当时英国的政治、
英国的社会真是太黑暗了。难怪哈姆雷特说 :丹麦是一所监狱,丹麦
Hamlet’s soliloquy
The form of soliloquy
soliloquy’s function
? 哈姆雷 特的著名独白探索生和死的问题,指出思想和行动之
间的矛盾。这段独白并不是说明哈姆雷特想借自杀来 逃避替父报仇的
前,哈姆雷 特已和演员们约好当天夜间在宫中上演一出小戏,特请国
王和王后观赏。他叫演员们演的戏很象他叔父谋 害他父亲、娶他母亲
于谋杀 的罪行。若经证明他叔父果然是凶手,那么他就要立刻采取行
动替父报仇。他焦急地等待着夜晚的来临, 以便进行这个关键性的试
条 出路,但是他并未下决心自杀。
? 他权衡着生和死的得失;他想到每个人都掌握着自己的 生死
苦?在这里哈姆雷特历 数社会上不平等、非正义的现象。他考虑到拿

起武器和罪恶社会作斗争,采取行动替父亲 报仇,都可能要付出生命
的 痛苦,何乐而不为?但是死亡究竟是个谜,死后可能还有来生,来
生可能有更多、更可怕的痛苦在等待着 我们,如同睡眠中有恶梦一般。
雷特从生死问题转而思索思想和 行动之间的关系。思想是指导行动的,
但是想得太多却令人踌躇不前,误了大事。这是哈姆雷特对自己的 警
to be or not to be
“to be or not to be” and “romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou
romeo?” are better-known. this is not to say that it is at all
The best or most interesting or most beautiful of The sonnets;
but The simplicity and loveliness of its praise of The
beloved has guaranteed its place
Hamlet’s Theme
notes on The soliloquy
? of suicide as a means of escape, and he dwells on it in a
later part of this very speech, giving, however, a different
reason for refraining. The whole drift of The speech shows his
belief in a future life.“to be or not to be” is The key

sentence in this soliloquy. “to be” is to continue to live,
or to take action. “not to be” is to die, or to do nothing
but suffering, to end one’s life by self- is
a dilemma of trying to determine The meaning of life and death.
is it nobler to suffer The life passively or to die (seek to
end one’s sufferings) actively?
practically The whole of Hamlet’s speech has become
proverbial as an outpouring of utter world weariness. of course,
much of The imagery is not peculiar to shakespeare or any writer,
e.g., The likening of death to starting on a long journey.
take arms against a sea of troubles: to take up arms and rush
upon The waves of The sea was a custom attributed by several
classical writers to The celts. The troubles are pictured as
advancing like some overwhelming tide.
no more: just that, only that, i.e. falling on sleep
consummation: a completion of ones life, a crowning and
fitting endwhat dreams: i.e. The thought of what dreams may
comemortal coil: turmoil of mortality, confused trouble of
mortal liferespect: consideration= regard
of so long life: so long-lived
time: The times, The world, ones contemporaries

might his quietus make: might give himself his release
from life’s troubles
thought: anxiety
and lose The name of action: even as a river may lose itself
in a sandy waste and so after its long course never reach The
sea: wonderful symbol, indeed, of frustration and failure
? analysis of characters of Hamlet? 1. a humanist, free from
medieval prejudices and superstitions infinite love for The
world raTher for heaven profound love and respect for man, and
a firm belief in man’s power over destiny 2. this humanist love
of man makes Hamlet turn to those around him (his faTher,
ophelia) with The same sincere eagerness. he loves good and
hates evil. he shows a contempt for rank and wealth. a king and
beggar are all one to him. his democratic tendency is based on
his humanist thought.
3. man of superb intelligence, a close observer of men and
manners, he easily sees through people. he could penetrate
below The surface of things. he is forever.?
? unmasking The world, he discovers how wicked and unjust

The world he lives in is. his observation of his world is summed
up in a bitter sentence: “denmark is a prison.”
? Hamlet is not a mere scholar, simply meditative by nature.
on The contrary, Hamlet is a man of genius, highly accomplished
and educated, a man of profound perception and sparkling wit.
he is a scholar, soldier and statesman all combined. his image
reflects The versatility of The men of The renaissance.
? Hamlet’s melancholy is The result of his penetrating
?Hamlet gives a reason. if he kills The villain now, he would
send his
soul to heaven; and he would raTher kill his soul.
? premeditated killing of a king and its political result,
because at that time The abrupt death of The king might cause
panic to The people and danger to The state. so what he considers
now is no longer his personal wrong but The fate of his country.
? a freudian explanation:oedipus complex
第二篇:The root of The Tragedy of Hamlet
There are many reasons for The roots of The Tragedy of
Hamlet, but i’d like to illustrate three reasons which i think
are The most significant ones. first, it’s Hamlet’s own
character. he’s weak and hilarious, and because of this

sensitive, he was hesitant. all his energy is concentrated on
making a decision; Therefore he lost The power of action. for
this reason, he was restrained in The thoughts wheTher he should
revenge for his faTher.
second, Hamlet is actually a humanist, he thought “what a
piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in
facilities, in form and moving, how express and admirable, in
action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god, The
beauty of The world, The paragon of animals.”but after all
those things, he only felt disappointed towards human and
humanity and became melancholy. also, he’s longing for justice
and freedom, but The society is full of despotism, repression,
deceive and decay. actually, The fight between Hamlet and hic
uncle claudius is in essence a fight and conflict between
different classes, between The royal family and The newly
appeared, The still weak
bourgeoisie class. but he was born as a prince, grown up in
The royal
family and enjoyed The noble privilege since he was born.
Therefore, it’s pretty hard for him to revenge for his uncle
and The class his uncle
represented. and this is a reflection of The society at that

time, which The contradiction is more and more tensed.
third, it is because of his oedipus complex. his love for
his moTher and his belief in The loyal love is destroyed by his
moTher’s remarriage, since his moTher forget The happiness
togeTher with his faTher and remarried his uncle very soon after
his faTher’s death. this was considered incest at that time
and is what Hamlet cannot accept. and this caused enormous
psychological shadow on him. besides, his love towards ophelia
obstructed by ophelia’s broTher. and ophelia is tightly
controlled by his broTher. Therefore, his fancy towards women
is vanished, and said “frailty, The name is woman.”
第三篇:list some of The features of Hamlet which fit in
with its classification as a revenge Tragedy
list some of The features of Hamlet which fit in with its
as a revenge Tragedy
The purpose of my essay is to prove that Hamlet is a revenge
Tragedy by examing The different characteristics of such drama,
i.e. foreign setting revenge, melancholic revenger, wrong doer
above The law, second revenger, Theme of death, evil-doers
prepared to use murder.

Hamlet is unusual in setting in denmark. denmark was a
protestant country which enjoyed amicable relations with
england. furThermore, english players ventured as far as
elsinore. it seems, though, that The choice of denmark as a
setting was determined by shakespeare’s sources for The play.
Hamlet is a complex character, his melancholic
personality decides his destiny, and vengeance is his fate, his
Tragedy. his tragic flow is that he spends too much time
thinking and not enough time acting. he dwells too much on
wheTher or not to act on something, and by The time he decides
to act, it is too late. Hamlet is of a melancholic disposition,
consider for example which he thinks of committing suicide: ‘to
be or not to be’.
The wrong will oTherwise go unpunished as The wrongdoer
is of an
exalted social status. claudius, The king of denmark killed
his broTher and inherited The throne and married his elder’
s wife. when Hamlet found his faTher be killed by claudius, he
had no choice but to look for opportunity to revenge. in
addition, claudius can’t punish Hamlet to death directly for
There is no law to punish a prince. it seems that those who have
high social status can do anything without punishment.

as id to drive home The point, The play has a second
revenger in The person of laerates. he too has suffered The
death of two relatives, his faTher and his little sister, at
The hands of The socially superior prince of denmark. laerates
becomes claudius’ tool to help to kill Hamlet. it seems to be
that Their life is to take revenge each oTher.
one of The Themes of The play is death. when Hamlet knows
that his uncle killed his faTher and married his moTher, he
thinks wheTher to die or to live, wheTher to kill his uncle or
not. besides, ophelia can’t stand her faTher’s death and hurt
from Hamlet, and at last she chooses to drown in The river.
unfortunately, even though all The players revenge
successfully, people including Hamlet, claudius, queen
gertrude, laertes die.
those around The protagonist (i.e. claudius and laertes) are
wiling to use murder to achieve Their ends. claudius wants to
be The king so that he
kills his broTher by poison and deceives The queen and
marries her. when laertes gets The information that Hamlet
killed his faTher, he is willing to be a killer tool to help
claudius kill Hamlet. during The sword fighting, Hamlet gets
wounded and dies from The poison of The blade which claudius

puts on.
from above all, it can prove that Hamlet is a revenge
Tragedy from These six characteristics of such drama. There are
foreign setting revenge, melancholic revenger, wrong doers
above The law, second revenger, The Theme of death, evil- doers
prepared to use murder.
第四篇:The character of Hamlet
The character of Hamlet
“ Hamlet “ is a classical representative work of
is one of four tragedies ,which are Hamlet ,
oThello, king lear, and macbeth. Hamlet is The famous Tragedy
character of this drama,Hamlet is The center
of The whole shakespeare depicts The image through
a series of revenges to reveal his complex inner world.
The prince of denmark Hamlet suffered a series of unfortunate
and domestic misfortune suddenly:faTher demise, uncle,
claudius superposition of aspiring, his moTher remarried gave
uncle. all this made him into a great The ghost of
his faTher told him that he was poisoned by his uncle. he
considered The problem of each aspect, neiTher fear leak worry,
or afraid ghost was false, afraid fall into The wrong trap. he
sullen, have to fool on occasion to confuse your enemies,

waiting for an opportunity of revenge. shakespeare in order to
launch a description. Hamlet character is complicated. through
various but and revenge main clue inter woven plot shows his
unique personality.
The source of melancholy is disillusion of idea: a series of
dishonorable incidents happen suddenly, broke him about life
and The world, love, friendship, and future ,a series of
humanistic fantasy. The disillusion of idea make he cannot bear
The load pressure and be in trouble ,which produced a
Then he analyse The reality
that as The profound insight of a philosopher,to expose The
social his spiritual crisis, he continue to explore
more serious social evils, These new and Then tbring his
melancholy furTher upgrade andachieve abnormal reach of The
depth and wearing sackcloth from his debut, to The
castle to wait The faTher, to pretend crazy, to play in acting,
to persuade The moTher, to The sea to detect crafty, to The
graveyard funeral, to contest, until he finally was destroyed,
depression never leave him.

Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill

claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects The religious thought
?one is The situation was not in his favor and have
a great disparity;anoTher is revenge for faTher and have to turn
The tideof battle. The long-term, difficultstruggle,
complexity and risk led to his actions he will
be thinking all The time before acting ,and experience a long
process than oTher people .or he decided to take action but do
not know how to has opportunity to revenge when claudius
was r,The useless thingking of soul into heaven
or hell let him miss The chance .so he has been waiting for an
opportunity and it do not come once arrived,but made
The final tragic ending.
“to be or not to be ”is a question of life. this is also The
misfortune that humanist must face . Hamlet,a
The humanism and showed The author’s reflection and The
renaissance movement of human destiny and future social
Hamlet is a humanist who is between ideals and The reality,
andis full of sweet hope for The everything,men,and society.
but The harsh and ugly realitybroke his happy ideal, and which
led his humanistic beliefs were shattered. Hamlet’s complex

contradictory character not only a personal
characteristics,but also The product of The time. Hamlet’s
destruction revealed The humanistic Tragedy.
第五篇:The impression of reading Hamlet
The impression of reading Hamlet
Hamlet is considered to be The summit of shakespeare’s art.
i think The storyis that The
most bright points is his mental process not The revenge on
his uncle for killing his faTher. but The revenge is important
in whole story. The story begin witha murder. The king of
denmark died mysteriously and his broTher come to power. Hamlet,
The son of The previous king, felt that his
faTher’s death was very strange. moreover, to his
surprise,his moTher married his uncle. after some
investigation, a shocking result came to Hamlet that his faTher
was murdered by his uncle. so, Hamlet began to revenge.
however,Hamlet is miserable,he is full of love in this world,
he loves his moTher and loves ophelia. but his faTher’s died
cause confusion in his y, The ghost of his faTher’s
appeared, and tell him claudius was guilty not only murder but
also of incest and adultery. but The spirit cautioned Hamlet
to spare queen gertrude, his moTher, so that heaven could punish

her. he has very dilemma. we knows he is afraid of hurting his
moTher,i think it’s The most shining part of him and The most
striking thing i admire. love is also displayed in The love
affairs between
Hamlet and ophelia. They are both not accepted by The world
because Their behaviors are more than a little different from
ones in tradition. however, They are against all The odds and
determinedly togeTher. Their love is born to be a Tragedy, but
They don’t regret at all. it is enough as long as They have
owned. this is what true love is.
in this story has anoTher points is humanism, especially in
The image ofHamlet,”courtier’s eye’s, scholar’s
tongue,soldier’s sword, flower filled with The country’s
hope,mirror of The era, model of The human relations and The
center of worldwide attention.” ophelia’s this description
exactly summed up The humanism in Hamlet. Hamlet’s ending is
very Tragedy,Hamlet is not prefect. sometime he is urge,for
example, he kill his uncle. and he is sensible,he unbelieves
his faTher’s ghost words. but his moTher ,his
uncle ,ophelia’s broTher and himself is die in end of The
story .







