
2020年08月09日 05:36



武元新 ,男,1976年11月出生,2000年04月师从于国防科学
技术大学胡德文教授,于2005年1 2月获博士学位。

中 文 摘 要

本论文深入研究了导航系统 中所涉及的两个基本理论问题:导航信息的数学描述和数值解算;导航

目前,导航、机器人和 计算机视觉等研究领域普遍以向量代数为工具研究空间运动学问题。但是当
这意味着我们可以转而采用另 一种方式处理转动和平移。在导航领域中,方向余弦矩阵DCM或四元数用
,也就是说,可以通过一个简 单的数学公式把圆锥算法变换成相应的划船算法,但是导航算法的设计和


存在统一、简洁地描 述一般性刚体运动的数学语言吗?如果存在,可否利用该数学工具设计思路明


1. 作为几何代数的子集,对偶四元数是刻画一般性刚体运动的最简洁、最有效的数学工具,可以用来
Itzhack分离坐标系的思想,论文第二章运用对偶四元数代数重新诠释捷联式惯性导航的基本原理 ,
析 提供了强有力的佐证。对高精度导航系统和大机动场景来说,对偶四元数算法是一个更好的选择
<已发表 于IEEE Trans. o
Estimation by Fusing Inertial 2006)最近,Ohio大学的Soloviev博士在频域而不是时域中实现了传统导航算法。据称,该 频域方法
“频域中的对偶四元数捷联惯性导航算法研究”,606040 11)

在基于对偶四元数的捷联惯性导航理论框架中,姿态 、速度和位置等所有的导航参数都可以从三个
达的误差模型:加性对偶四元数误差模型和乘性对偶四元数 误差模型。这两个误差模型可用来搭建
对偶四元数导航算法直接输出的导航参数是在地球坐标系中表达的 ,但是在GPS导航和测地学等应用
Raphson方法的坐标变换快速算法。除了靠近地心的一个小区 域之外,新算法不存在奇异和不收敛的
Systems, 2003)

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提供的互补信息来提高导航系统的精度和冗余度的技术。无论采用何种配置<惯性导航、卫星导 航、雷达
这正是非线性滤波器在组合导航系统中所起的作用,即非线性滤波是组合导航系统中信息融合的 基石。
EKF)本身就是在组合导航系统需求牵引下的研究成果。自从20世纪60年代在阿波罗计划中 首次实现以
的非线性系统模型进行线性化,滤波过程中容易发散等等。近年来,非线性滤波研究取得了众 多的成果

那么,可否找到或设计出替代EKF的通用非线性滤波器?从信息论的角度讲,这是 一个寻找比EK


近似高斯滤波器奠定了基础,对运用更好的积分方法设计高效、稳定的滤波器具有一定的 指导意义
论文第六章研究了UKFfilter)滤波 器的两种实现:扩展UKF和非扩展UKF。它们都可以用于具有加性噪声的非线性动态系
下使用非扩展 形式的UKF很可能会损失滤波精度。本章首先导出了扩展UT与非扩展UT等价的前提条
噪声的影响。 这个区别通常有利于扩展UKF,因为奇次矩被变换后的sigma点集捕获,并得以在单个
真实例的结 果与分析结论一致。<已发表于
最近提出的高斯粒子滤波器Carlo 积分和Bayes更新规则对传统的高斯滤波器进行了推广。论文第七章从两个不同的角度出发对G
,验 后概率密度可以假定为容易采样的任意分布,比如混合高斯。这种情况下,QuasiGPF可以用来
C arlo方法可用于近似计算多维积分或序贯Bayes概率推演。我们基于准Monte Carlo方法研究了一类特
关键词:惯性导航, 对偶四元数, 数值积分, 误差特性, 坐标变换,
非线性高斯滤波, 粒子滤波, 低偏差序列
Dual-Quaternion Navigation Algorithm and Nonlinear Gaussian
Wu Yuanxin

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The thesis has investigated two theoretical problems involved in navigation systems. One is the
mathematical representation and computation of navigation information。 the other is the optimal
real- time fusion strategy, i.e., filtering, of navigation information.

So far in most, if not all, fields, researches have been made within the framework of vector
algebra. When it comes to the general displacement of a rigid body, however, there is no such a
mathematical tool in vector algebra as to treat rotation and translation simultaneously. Fortunately,
from a viewpoint of kinematicsthe general displacement can be taken apart into two separate
motions, i.e. fixed-point rotation and translation, in which rotation is completely independent of
translation. This means that we can otherwise treat rotation and translation in a different manner. In
the navigation community, DCMquaternion and vector are chosen to represent rotation and
translation, respectively. So are the strapdown INS algorithms. Individualalgorithm as mentioned
above has to be structured for attitude integration and velocityposition integration, respectively.
The characteristics of dualityequivalence between the coning and sculling algorithms were revealed
recently, but the algorithm design and implementation are still rather involved.

In essence, inertial navigation is to solve the kinematic problem of a three-dimensional rigid

Is there any mathematical language that represents rotation and translation in a
consolidating and compact manner? Is it possible to reduce the perplexing and error-prone
strapdown algorithmsto some extent? The answers to these questions are both affirmative.

The first half of this thesis has done some pilot works on the strapdown inertial navigation theory
founded on dual quaternion.

1. As a subset of geometry algebra, dual quaternion is the most concise and efficient
mathematical tool to represent the general rigid motion. It can be used to address all rigid
kinematic (and dynamic> problems, including inertial navigation of course. Benefiting from
Bar-Itzhack’s split-coordinatescheme, Chapter 2 reinterprets the rationale of the strapdown
inertial navigation in terms of dual quaternion algebra, obtaining three dual quaternion
kinematic equations that take the same forms as the conventional attitude quaternion rate
equation. Borrowing the traditional two- speed approach originally developed in conventional
attitude integration, we design one new numerical integration algorithm to solve the three
kinematic equations, thus obtaining the dual quaternion navigation algorithm,which integrates
the coning, sculling and scrolling corrections all together, considerably simplifying the
algorithm structure and implementation new navigation algorithm is analyzed
and compared with the conventional one from various aspects. It is shown that screw motion
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in itself consists of coning motion and sculling motion
The duality between the coning and
sculling corrections, raised in the recent literature, is fundamentally explained. The superiority
of the new algorithm in accuracy is analytically derived. A variety of simulations are carried
out to support the analytic conclusions, including those with ideal inertial sensors and those
with non-ideal ones. The numerical results agree well with the analyses. The new algorithm
turns out to be a better choice than the conventional algorithm for high-precision navigation
systems and high-maneuver applications. Several guidelines in choosing a suitable navigation
algorithm are also provided according to the inertial sensors configuration and the turning
frequency of the conventional the near future, the dual quaternion algorithm is
expected to take an important role in ultra-cold atom interferometry based precision inertial
navigation systems. (Published in
dual quaternions,IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2005;On
mathematical framework for strapdown algorithm designJournal of Guidance, Control, and
Dynamics, 2006。 Analysis of Rotation Estimation by Fusing Inertial and
Line-Based Visual Information: A Revisit,Automatica, 2006>Recently, Dr. Soloviev in
OhioUniversityhas implemented the conventional strapdown algorithm in frequency domain
rather than in the customary time domain. It is claimed that the frequency-domain approach
has a significant improvement in the ability to reduce the noncommutativity errors incurred by
the coning and sculling motion. Redesigning the dual quaternion-based algorithm in the
frequency domain would be a significant work. (In 2006, the proposal obtained the support of
NSFC, entitled “Dual Quaternion Strapdown Inertial Navigation Algorithm in Frequency
Domain”, 60604011>
Within the dual-quaternion mechanism, all navigation quantities (including attitude, velocity
and position> can be derived by manipulating the solutions to the three kinematic equations.
This makes it possible to model the error propagation completely in terms of quaternion
algebra. Chapter 3 is devoted to error characteristics of the strapdown inertial navigation using
dual quaternion. Two new error models in terms of quaternion algebra are developed: the
additive dual quaternion error model and multiplicative dual quaternion error model. Both are
expected to facilitate the future dual quaternion-based integrated navigation filter. (Published
in IEEE Trans.
on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2006>
Dual quaternion navigation algorithm directly outputs navigation parameters in the Earth
frame, but in applications such as GPS navigation and geodesy, we often need them expressed
in the local level frame. Chapter 4 investigates a sub- problem involved in the dual quaternion
navigation algorithm, i.e., the transformation from Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to
geodetic coordinates. We come up with an iterative approach using the Newton-Raphson
method that has good efficiency and accuracy and is free from singularity and divergence
except in a small region near the center of the Earth. Comparisons with existing methods show
the new algorithm has much higher accuracy and lower arithmetic complexity. (Published in
of Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates,IEEE Trans.
on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2003>
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As a self-contained dead reckoning method, inertial navigation has an inherent limitation with its
error accumulating as time goes. So inertial navigation must be integrated with extraneous
information feedback to form a stable and closed-form integrated navigation system, so as to limit
the error accumulation. Many kinds of integrated schemes emerge as the times require. Integrated
navigation is aimed to improve the system accuracy and redundancy using compensatory
information from various sensors. Whichever configuration (inertial navigation, satellite navigation,
radar, camera, Doppler speedometer and altimeter, etc.> the integration takes, we must rely on an
optimal on-line information fusing strategy, i.e., filtering, to efficientlyintegrate various information
sources. Therefore, nonlinear filtering is the cornerstone of any integrated navigation system. In
fact, the well-known EKF is one direct outcome of integrated navigation system requirements.
Since its first application in Apollo Project in 1960s, EKF has prevailed for half a century and
actually becomes a standard component in engineering. On the other hand, EKF is a kind of
approximate Gaussian filter and experiences has indicated its limitations, e.g., linearization of any
considered nonlinear system and being apt to divergence. In recent decades, nonlinear filtering
researches have made many achievements and advanced nonlinear filters are being considered as a
feasible information fusion strategy for integrated navigation.

Then, could we find or design general nonlinear filters to replace EKF? From the aspect of
information theory, it belongs to a problem of searching real information fusion strategies,
i.e., filtering, superior to EKF.

Specifically, the latter part of the thesis has been focused on nonlinear Gaussian filtering.

4. Bayesian inference provides an optimal solution framework for dynamic state estimation
problems. Because the Bayesian solution requires the propagation of the full probability
density, in general the optimal nonlinear filtering is analytically intractable. Approximations
are thus necessary, e.g., Gaussian approximation to the posterior probability density. The class
of filters derived under Gaussian assumption is commonly called as the Gaussian filters. So
far, there has been a variation of Gaussian filters that derived themselves from very different
backgrounds. A question now arises: with so many different Gaussian filters, how to decide
which one is suitable for a filtering problem in hand? Chapter 4 reviews the state of art of
Gaussian filters from the perspective of numerical integration. Specifically, we present in a
unified numerical-integration framework the derivation of a number of approximate Gaussian
filters. It shows that all Gaussian filters are approximations of the general Gaussian filter by
using a specific numerical integration method of some kind or another, such as the Gauss-
Hermite product rule, rules exact for monomials and methods of approximation. This
perspective provides a well-founded understanding of all the existing Gaussian filters with
respect to accuracy, efficiency and stability factor. The analytical findings are tabulated, from
which a ranking of accuracy of various Gaussian filters is derived. The numerical results agree
nicely with the analytical ranking list. We believe that this perspective has set a good
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foundation for selection of Gaussian filters in practice and hopefully be useful to design more
efficient and stable filters by employing better numerical integration methods. (Published in
on particle filteringIEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2005;
numerical-integration perspective on Gaussian filters,IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,
Chapter 6 analyzes and compares two alternative versions of unscented transformation (UT>-
based filters for the nonlinear dynamic system with additive noises: the non-augmented
unscented Kalman filter (UKF> and the augmented UKF. They can be both applied to
nonlinear dynamic systems with additive noises. It is now believed that for the special (but
often found> case where process and measurement noises are additive, the computational
complexity can be reduced by using the non-augmented form, which presumably yields
similar results, if not the same. In this chapterwe will show that this assumption is not quite
correctand that the non-augmented UKF usage can lead to noticeable losses in accuracy.
Firstly, it is proved that the non- augmented UT is identical to the augmented counterpart only
if certain condition is satisfied. We point out that the basic difference between the augmented
and non-augmented UKFs is that the former draws sigma points only once in a recursion while
the latter has to redraw a new set of sigma points to incorporate the effect of additive process
noise. This difference generally favors the augmented UKF in that the odd-order moment
information is captured by the transformed sigma points and well propagated within one
recursion. On the other hand, if a new (but unnecessary> set of sigma points were redrawn in
the augmented UKF, it would be identical to and yield exactly the same results as the non-
augmented UKF. The simulation results of a representative example agree well with our
conclusions. (Published in Kalman filtering for additive noise case: augmented
versus non- augmented,IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2005。 on
“Performance evaluation of UKF-based nonlinear filtering”,Automatica, 2007>
Gaussian particle filter (GPF> is a kind of Gaussian filter based on Bayesian
actually extends the conventional Gaussian filter using Monte Carlo integration and the
Bayesian update r 7 further extends GPF from two different aspects. Firstly, a so-
called quasi-Gaussian particle filter (QuasiGPF> is proposed that generalizes the GPF by
relaxing the Gaussian restriction on the prior probability density function. Considering the
non-Gaussianity of the prior probability, the QuasiGPF is provably superior to the GPF.
Numerical results show its remarkably improved performance over the GPF. Theoretically, the
posterior probability could be assumed to be any other distribution as long as it was readily
sampled, e.g., mixed Gaussian. In such a case, it is promising for the QuasiGPF to be used to
construct more superior filter than the GPF- based Gaussian sum particle filter. Secondly, the
low discrepancy sequences are invented to distribute deterministic correlated draws over the
target domain as uniformly as possible. The quasi-Monte Carlo method using these sequences
can be used to approximate multidimensional integrals and further to sequential Bayesian
statistical inference. We investigate a special version of Bayesian filtering, i.e., the GPF, via
quasi-Monte Carlo method. Numerical results show that the new GPF outperforms the
conventional GPF using random numbers in the sense of having lower MSE and faster
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Keywords: inertial navigation, dual quaternion, numerical integration, error
characteristics, coordinate transformation, nonlinear Gaussian filtering, particle
filtering, low-discrepancy sequence

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