综合教程IV U9 习题答案

2020年08月12日 04:15


Key to Exercises
Text comprehension
I. Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.
II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.
1. T. Refer to Paragraph 1.
2. F. Refer to Paragraph 2. Here it is stated that the patient’s skin is not brown from the sun,
though it looks deeply tanned from a distance. Rather, his kin becomes reddish because he is in his
last stage of life, that is, he is approaching death.
3. F. Refer to Paragraph 7. When the doctor offers his help, the patient remains silent for a
long time, knowing he is helpless. But he earnestly makes a request of bringing him a pair of
shoes, hoping against hope that the doctor will make him a whole being again.
4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.
5. F. The reason why the patient refuses to eat oatmeal is not that he doesn’t like it but rather
that he wants to have nothing at all. What he longs for is a dignified death since it is impossible to
get back his legs.
III. Answer the following questions.
1. No, he doesn’t. Instead, he finds the activity justifiable. For one thing, he thinks the activity
is well- meant, i. e. he wants to collect more pathological evidence in order to give the patients
more effective treatment. For another, his activity is not spying in the true sense, for the act is far
from furtive.
2. The fact that there are no get-well cards, no small, private caches of food and day-old flowers
shows that he has been abandoned by his family and friends.
3. As a blind man, he is restrained in activity. Now without legs he is completely confined to
bed. Like a caged bird, he longs for freedom and dreams of going back to his career. Thus it is
understandable why he repeatedly asks for shoes.
4. This is the way he expresses his wrath with the unfair fate. He is deprived of sight and now
his legs. Deserted by society, he is left with very little. Indignant as he is, he can avenge himself
upon nobody. What he can do is only to crash his plate against the wall to vent his anger and
despair. Moreover, he would rather die in a stroke like the plate than linger in agony. But he
wishes to die a dignified death and takes going fasting as the best way. The discus throwing
strengthens his resolve. The sound of the scrambled eggs dropping to the floor brings him the
hope of being liberated in the other world.
5. It is a unique laughter as is indicated in Paragraph 11. It comes both from the pleasure after
revenge by crashing the plate and the hope to extricate himself from his agony by means of an
abrupt death like the plate. Since freedom in this material world is impossible to him, he wishes to
have it in the other world.
IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.
1. “Yes, I am going down,” he says, meaning literally that he is going down with the bed but
intentionally that his physical condition is going from bad to worse.
2. The wild, relaxed laughter is a totally new sound in the world that nobody has ever heard.
The joyful laughter could even give a promising future to cancer patients.
3. The aide looks across at me, shaking her head to express her helplessness and making a facial

signal to show her dissatisfaction with the patient.

Structural analysis of the text
This text can be divided into three parts. The first part, i. e. Paragraph 1, serves as an
introduction to the background of the story. The second part, i. e. Paragraphs 2-13, describes the
strange behavior of a particular patient dubbed the discus thrower and his conflict with the health
workers. The third part, i. e. Paragraphs 14-15, tells the reader about the death of the patient. Here
are the suggested headlines for the three parts: (1) Spying on Patients: a Habit of Mine; (2)
Encounters with a Particular Patient; and (3) The Death of the Patient.

Rhetorical features of the text
First look at the questions the doctor asks himself:
Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might
the more fully assemble evidence? (Paragraph 1)
Is he mute as well as blind? (Paragraph 3)
What is he thinking behind those lids that do not blink? Is he remembering a time when he
was whole? Does he dream of feet? Or when his body was not a rotting log? (Paragraph 6)
Now look at the questions asked by the doctor in his dialogue with the patient:
“How are you?” ( Paragraph 5)
“How do you feel?” (Paragraph 5)
“Anything more I can do for you?” (Paragraph 7)
All these questions help to prove that the doctor is very patient with, responsible for, and
considerate to his patient.
By contrast, the medical aide is impatient and sounds dominating, which can be seen in the
way she talks with the patient in Paragraph 13:
“I’ve got to feed you,” which implies that “you are not allowed to eat it yourself.”
“Oh, yes I do after the way you just did,” which means “it is your fault so you can’t argue
with me any more.”
“Here’s the oatmeal. Open,” which is not an expected answer to the request of the patient but
a refusal plus a command.

Vocabulary exercises
I. Explain the underlined words and expressions in the sentences below.
1. from any perspective 2. reddish brown
3. low-growing 4. admirable
5. almost intolerable degree 6. visit my patients
II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
1. dignified 2. scrambling 3. awkward 4. delivery
5. disinfected 6. assembly 7. deceased 8. be redressed
III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B
IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.
1. location 2. praises 3. much 4. supporting
5. usually 6. bring together

Grammar exercises
I. Note the use of the italicized parts.
II. Make comments on the following situations, using the words and structures given.
1. You sound as though you have enjoyed ityou had enjoyed it.
2. Jane looks as though she needs a good restshe needed a good rest.
3. You look as though you have had a good timeyou had had a good time.
4. It smells as though someone has smoked in heresome had smoked in here.
5. I feel as though I had run a marathon.
6. It looks as though Susan isn’t comingSusan wasn’t coming.
III. Complete the following sentences according to the situations given in italics.
1. Please don’t treat me as though I werewas a child.
2. I remember the whole thing as though it had happened only yesterday.
3. She talks as though she knew everything.
4. He paused as though to let the painful memories pass.
5. The lad started as though he had been awakened from some dream.
6. He glanced about as though he were searching for something.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences. putting as many words as possible in the plural with
other necessary changes.
1. Apes are the animals nearest to men in appearance.
2. These articles are well written, but there is still room for improvement.
3. The passers-by stopped and put their hands into their trouser pockets.
4. Traffic accidents often occur at crossroads.
5. Telephones are a necessity in the modem world.
V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined
structures in your sentences.
1. She talked to him as though he were a child.
When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as though she had taken a shower with her
clothes on.
2. He went off, gun in hand.
Diana stood motionless at the end of the diving board, hands at her sides, heels slightly raised,
every muscle anticipating action.

I. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the
1. Search lights fingered across the black water.
2. Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman became more careful and
made his rounds once every hour.
3. He slicked to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.
4. He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.
5. In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.
6. That man’s behaviour looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he

steals a furtive glance at the passers- by.
7. The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it
has dwarfed all its neighbours.
8. In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.
II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.
父亲那些浆得发硬的衬 衫是个问题。他穿衬衫时,把它套住头往下拉,两只手左右乱伸,
寻找袖子。新衬衫非常结实,经得起这 样拉扯,不会撕裂,但经父亲穿过后,很快就不牢了。
首先他知道,他会听到它开始撕裂的声音,这使他 感到讨厌。他憎恨任何脆弱的表现,不管
是人还是物。他愤怒时摸索袖子会比以前更加用力,接着会传来 衬衫撕裂时刺耳的劈啪声和

Exercises for integrated skills
I. Dictation.
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more
important than facts. It is more important than past, than education, than money, than
circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is
more important than appearance, gifted ability, or skill. It will make or break a company, a
church, a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
from that day. We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in
certain ways. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing that we can do is play on the one
string that we have and this string is Attitude. I am convinced that life is ten percent what
happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you.
II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.
1. on 2. under 3. even 4. how 5. where
6. at 7. true 8. camps 9. as 10. either

Listening exercises
Medicine Matters
Richard, you’re one of Virginia’s patients.
That’s right.
How did you first know that you had diabetes?
I was on a camping holiday with my parents and my mother had recently read an
article in a woman’s magazine which described the symptoms which are desperate
thirst and also urinating a lot. And, because we were camping, my mother filled up
the water buckets for the morning the night before and she realized one morning
that she’d filled two 2-gallon buckets and found only half a bucket left in the
morning , so I’d drunk 3 gallons of water during the night and of course urinated it
all out as well. It was quite soggy round the tent.
Good heavens! And did you feel ill?
Yeah, you feel really ill, you feel like very thirsty, really thirsty and sweating a lot
and just tired, lethargic, you can’t do anything.
So she then took you off to the doctor, did she?

Richard: Yeah, to a GP who did a urine test which was the standard way of testing for
diabetes and of course my sugar content was sky high; and that’s an automatic sign
really that you’re diabetic.
Interviewer: And how old were you when all this happened?
Richard: I was five and a half.
Interviewer: So are those symptoms common? Is that what everybody suffers from? This thirst?
Virginia: Yes on the whole ... I mean ... when erm well put it this way, your body needs sugar
to function, just you know for sleeping, working, playing, all those sorts of things.
And it’s insulin that enables your body to use the sugar, and so if you haven’t got
enough, the sugar builds up in the blood and you actually get ... well in fact you get
dehydrated really and the only way your body can get rid of the sugar is to send it
out through the kidneys, through the urine. So you send out loads and loads of
urine and so you get this awful thirst and so that ... that’s usual the first symptoms,
especially with somebody young and you know who’s going to actually need
Interviewer: So what’s the treatment now for diabetes?
Virginia: Well it ... I mean it depends on when and sort of how you get diabetes. If ... on the
whole, below the age of erm about 30, you’re going to need to have insulin
injections for the rest of your life because you’re, you’re not producing ... you’re
just not producing enough insulin and probably no insulin after a while. But there
are lots ... it’s almost what 2% of the population, possibly more, now have diabetes
and in the sort of the later age range people develop it and sometimes it can be
controlled just by diet or with diet and tablets.
Interviewer: And the effect on people’s diet, does it vary for each individual, or are there basic
rules that all diabetics follow?
Virginia: What you advise for diabetes now is the diet that you recommend for everybody,
you know, that you have plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, and enough
carbohydrate to fill you up and preferably sort of high fibre carbohydrate, and cut
down on fats, which ... it’s actually the opposite almost that you were
recommended, what 10 years ago.
Key to Listening exercises:
•blurred vision
•dry skin
•large quantities of urine
•loss of weight
•pains in the legs and feet at night
•recurrent boils
•sore, dry tongue
Symptoms: thirst, sweating a lot, feeling tired and lethargic, large quantities of urine
Diagnosis: diabetes

Treatment: below 30-insulin injections
in later age-diet or diet plus tablets
1. When on a camping holiday, he drank 3 gallons of water one night and urinated it all out as
2. A urine test.
3. Five and a half.
4. Our body needs sugar to function, and insulin enables our body to use the sugar.
5. If you haven’t got enough insulin, the sugar builds up in the blood and you get dehydrated and
the only way your body can get rid of the sugar is to send it out through the urine.
6. Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, enough high fibre carbohydrate, and cut down on fats.

Key to questions for discussion
1. One day in 1981, she was caught in a fire caused by the spilled gasoline from a gas tank in a
kitchen and became seriously injured.
2. She suffered third-degree bums, which means about 40 percent of her body was burned. As the
text tells us, these bums penetrated deep into her muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Most of the
wounds were concentrated on her face, neck, hands and upper body. Her scorched eyelids and
nostrils were swollen shut, her lips were blackened and puffy and her right ear was charred. Blood
and fluids were seeping from her body.
3. Her father rushed to the hospital as soon as he got the message and stayed by her side as long as
he was allowed. During his visits he tried to help her regain consciousness by playing music tapes
and encourage her to live on by one-sided conversation. His deep love and great patience
contributed immensely to her daughter’s physical and mental recovery.
4. There could have been many options and possibilities for Sian to choose from. But here is what
really happened to her after she left hospital: She attended university and studied biology; she got
interested in medicine and finally became a surgeon in a hospital!







