
2020年08月12日 04:46


Unit 8

1、探照灯的光柱掠过漆黑的水面。 (finger across)
Searchlights fingered across the black water.

2.自从这座大厦发生了一起抢劫案之后,守夜人就更加小心了,他 每小时都
巡视一次。 (make one’s round)
Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman has become m
ore careful and makes his rounds once every hour.
3.虽然已经没有任何力量支持他了,他依然坚持自己的计划. (prop up)
He stuck to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.

4.他被警方雇佣刺探恐怖分子的活动。(spy on)
He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.

5.总有一天他们会接受这个残酷的现实(in time)
的。 In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.

6.那个人的行为非常可疑。他假装睡觉,却不时窥探过往的行人。 (furtive)
That man's behaviour looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but no
w and then he steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.

7.这个国家近几年发生的社会、经济变化如此彻底,使所有邻国相 形见绌。
The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so
sweeping that it has dwarfed all its neighbors.

In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door

Unit 9

With the development of economy, large numbers of farmers flooded from the
countryside into cities to seek a job.
美。(come close to)
Young as he is, all judges share the opinion that his performance at
the international piano competition has come close to perfection.
(in a daze)
Perhaps because of the spirits she had drunk, she was in a daze all the way to
In this mountain retreat you can find the best climate in the country.
He leaned back into his seat and relaxed, savoring the comfort.6.让这对年
轻夫妇引以为荣的是他们的孩子3岁就能背诗了。(recite … from memory)
What makes this young couple proud is that their child could recite
poems from memory at the age of three.
7. 他当众重复了他私下说过的话。(in public)
He repeated in public what he had said in private.
8.建立一个充满生机和爱意的家庭需要全家人的共同努力。(vibrant with)
A family vibrant with life and love is to be built with the joint efforts of
all its members.
1. 政府承诺将不遗余力地支持我们的环保项目。 (spare no effort)
The government promises that it will spare no effort to support our environme
ntal protection projects.
2. 她来之前对中国的历史、地理和文化一无所知。 (have no knowledge of)
She had no knowledge of Chinese history, geography and culture before she c
ame to China.

3. 幼儿园里燃气的大火危及23个孩子的生命。 (endanger)
The fire that broke out in the kindergarten endangered 23 children’s lives.
4. 我们竭力把他从那个话题上扯开,因为我们知道他会泄露机密。(head)
We tried our best to head him off the topic, because we knew he would revea
l confidential information.
5. 演讲人洪亮的声音在大厅里回荡。(echo)
The sonorous voice of the speaker is echoing around the hall.
6. 勤勉和忠诚有时可以弥补能力不足。(compensate for)
Industry and loyalty sometimes compensate for the lack of ability.
7. 就我所知,他是从激烈的竞争中挣脱出来的少数人之一。 (rat race)
As far as I know, he was one of the few people who got out of the rat race.
8. 他留下了一些士兵来清除敌人的最后阵地。 (clean up)
He left a few men behind to clean up the last of the enemy positions.

Unit 11
1. 我整个上午的工作都由于那件不幸之事而陷于停顿。(out of gear)
My whole morning’s work has been put out of gear by that mishap.
2. 他躲在树丛中终于甩掉了追赶的人。(fling off)
By hiding himself among the bushes, he at last flung off his pursuers.
3. 我们应该尽力消除制度中不公平的东西。(wipe out)
We must make every effort to wipe out the injustice in the system.
4. 士兵们坚守在那个孤立无援的阵地上直到援兵到来。(hold on to)
The soldiers held on to that isolated position until reinforcements arrived.
5. 在所有的事实面前他不得不承认偷了那份绝密文件。(compel)
In front of all the facts, he was compelled to admit that he had stolen that
6. 他不会说英语这使他在参加国际会议的时候处于不利地位。(at a
His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends
international conferences.







