英语三级课程课件Unit 4 section B

2020年08月19日 04:38


Unit four section B
New words:

adj. (= cellular) using a network of radio stations to pass on signals 蜂窝式无线电通
eg:Do you have a cell (cellular) phone? 你有手机吗?
n. [C] a very small division of living matter, with one center of activity, capable on its
own, or with others, to perform all the operations necessary for life 细胞
eg: We lose a few skin cells every time we wash our hands. 每当我们洗手的时候,
All animals and plants are made of cells. 一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。

n. [U] letters and anything else sent or received by post, especially those traveling or
arriving together 邮件;邮包
eg: She is opening her mail. 她正在打开她的邮件。
v. post (a letter, parcel, etc.) 邮寄(信件、包裹)
eg: He mailed a letter for me. 他为我寄了一封信。
3. communicate
v. 1. share or exchange opinions, feelings, information, etc. 交流意见(感情、消息
eg: communicate with a person 与人交流
He is too shy to communicate with others. 他太腼腆了,不善于同别人交际。
2. make (opinions, feelings, information, etc.) known or understood by others, e.g.
by speech, writing, or bodily movements 传达;传递(意见、感情、消息等)
eg: communicate the new data to our office 给我们办公室传送新资料
4. ignore
vt. take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to 不顾;忽视
eg: I tried to tell her, but she ignored me. 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。

vt. pass the hand over gently, especially for pleasure 抚摸
eg: He stroked his beard. 他捋捋胡子。
n. 1. [C] a hit, especially with (the edge of) a weapon 击;打
eg: fifty strokes of the whip 鞭挞50下
2. [C] an occasion when a blood tube in the brain suddenly bursts or is blocked,
damaging the brain and causing the loss of one's ability to move some part of the
body 中风;脑血管破裂或堵塞
eg: He's had a stroke. 他患了中风。
able adj. better or more suitable; that one should or would prefer 更好
eg: Coffee is preferable to tea, I think. 我认为咖啡比茶更好。
7. human adj. of or concerning people, especially as opposed to animals, plants,
or machines 人的;人类的

eg: the human voice 人声
The accident was caused by human error. 这次事故是人为差错造成的。
n. [C] a man, woman, or child, not an animal 人
eg: We are all human beings. 我们都是人。
n. 1. [U] the state of having a connection or exchanging information or ideas with
someone else; communication 联系;交往
eg: Have you been in contact with your uncle recently? 你最近和你的叔叔有联系
2. [U] the act or state of touching or coming together 接触
eg: eye contact 视线接触
Have the children been in contact with the disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触
vt. reach (someone) by message, telephone, etc. 跟„„联络上;同„„(建立)联

eg: She contacted me as soon as she arrived. 她一到就和我联系了。
n. [U] the act or process of communicating 交流;交往;通讯;
eg: Our communication with the airplane is by radio. 我们用无线电与飞机保持通
9. connect
v. 1. join (communicate) by telephone or communications networks 给„„接通电
eg: I was again connected to the wrong person. 又给我接错了电话。
2. join (one object, place, etc.) to another by means of something that comes in
between the two; unite 连接;连结
eg: two streams connecting to form a river 两条小溪汇流成一条大河
nect vi. interrupt a connection 脱离;断绝(关系)
eg: Some teenagers nowadays are disconnected. 如今一些年轻人过着与社会脱离
disconnect from someone 与某人断绝关系
e n. [C; U] forward movement 前进;进展
eg: an advance in cloning 克隆技术方面的进展
v. help, improve, or bring advantage to (especially a process or development) 前进;
eg: China will always be dedicated to advancing the cause of world peace. 中国将
advance a worthy cause 促进有价值的事业
n. [C; U] (a branch of) knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and
their practical use in industry; practical science 科技;工业技术
eg: This invention uses the newest computer technology. 这项发明使用了最新的
science and technology 科学和技术

et n. (singular) an electronic communications network that connects
computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world 因特网;
[例] Internet phone 国际互联网电话
[例] Joan likes to surf the Internet at home. 琼喜欢待在家里上网。
n. 1. [C] a living thing, especially a person 生物(尤指人)
[例] a human being 一个人
[例] Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。

2. [U] the state of existing 生存;存在
[例] the aim of our being 我们生存的目的
[例] How did the earth come into being? 地球是如何形成的?

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vt. make (especially of a business or industrial process) work by machinery with little
or no work by people 使自动化
[例] automate a factory 使工厂操作自动化
[例] Automated teaching is very popular today. 自动化教学如今很流行。

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n. 1. [C] a consciousness (of something felt in the mind or body) 感觉;知觉
[例] I have a strong feeling of excitement. 我感觉十分兴奋。
[例] a feeling of warmth 温暖的感觉

2. (plural) emotion 感情
[例] hurt one's feelings 伤某人的感情
[例] He has difficulty controlling his feelings. 他很难控制自己的感情。

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n. [C] an instrument for self- scanning 自动检测设备;自动扫描器
[例] This supermarket is equipped with a self-scanner. 这家超市装有自动扫描器。
[例] hand-scanner 人工扫描器

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v. test, examine, or mark to see if something is correct, true, in good condition, etc.
[例] You should check your bicycle before you ride it. 你在骑自行车之前应该检查
[例] She read the letter through before sending it, checking for spelling mistakes. 她

n. (cheque BrE) 1. [C] an examination or inspection (e.g. to make certain that
something is correct or in good condition) 核对;检查
[例] Everyone must pass an airport security check. 每个人都需要通过机场安全检
[例] a check on the quality of goods 货物的质量检查

2. [C] a written order to a bank, usually made on a specially printed sheet of paper
supplied by the bank, to pay a certain sum of money from one's bank account to
oneself or to another person 支票
[例] pay by check 用支票付款
[例] She wrote me a check. 她给我开了一张支票。

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n. [C] an instrument or apparatus that uses power, such as electricity, to perform work
[例] a washing machine 洗衣机
[例] You can get tea or coffee from that drink machine. 你可从那台饮料机取到茶或

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n. 1. [C] a group of related parts that work together, forming a whole 系统;体系
[例] We have a large system of railways. 我们有一个庞大的铁路系统。
[例] a computer system 电脑系统

2. [C] an ordered set of ideas, methods, or ways of working 体制;制度
[例] What system of government do you have in your country? 你们国家是什么样
[例] a complicated law system 一套复杂的法律制度

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adj. 1. unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤寂的;寂寞的
[例] She was very lonely. 她很孤独。
[例] the loneliest night of the week 这周最孤独的一个晚上

2. (of a building or other object) with no others of the same type near or (of a place)
without people (建筑物)孤零零的;(地方)荒僻的
[例] a lonely crossroads 荒凉的十字路口
[例] This is a lonely island in the Pacific Ocean. 这是太平洋上的一个孤岛。

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n. [C; U] the act of restricting; or something that restricts 限制(物);约束(物)
[例] There is a restriction against smoking in schools. 禁止在学校吸烟。
[例] speed restrictions (行车)速度限制

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n. [C] an arrangement, especially one that has been carefully considered, for carrying
out some (future) activity or a future course of action that has been decided upon; aim
or intention 计划;打算
[例] a plan of attack 进攻的计划
[例] She has no plan for the evening. 她今晚没有安排。

v. make a plan for (something); arrange (carefully) in advance (订)计划;打算
[例] They plan to buy a house. 他们打算买一座房子。
[例] The government plans to build a bridge. 政府计划建一座桥。

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adj. of, relating to, or resembling high technology 高技术的
[例] the national hi-tech program 国家高科技计划
[例] Our company is a part of the hi-tech industry. 我们公司属于高科技产业。

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the other day

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at some time in the recent past 前几天;日前
[例] The other day, when I was on my way home, I met that strange beggar again. 不
[例] I saw one just like that watch the other day in a shop. 不久前的一天,在一家商

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walk through

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to walk in at one side, end, or surface, and out at the other 步行通过
[例] walk through the desert 步行穿越沙漠
[例] The children walked through the grass. 孩子们从草地上走过。

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in point of fact

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actually; in reality 事实上;实际上

[例] He said he would pay, but in point of fact he has no money. 他说他要给钱,可
[例] He said he was an experienced traveler, but in point of fact he's only been abroad
once. 他说自己是个很有经验的旅行家,但实际上他只到过国外一次。

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keep from

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prevent or delay (someone or something) from (something or doing something) 阻
[例] Heavy rain keeps him from going out. 大雨使他不能出去。
[例] He tried to keep his voice from shaking. 他努力使自己的声音不要颤抖。

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check out

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1. record and total up the prices of and receive payment for (items being purchased)
at a retail store 收款零售商店中对所购商品的记录、计价及收款
[例] check oneself out 自助付款
[例] The cashier checked out and bagged my order. 收款员计价收款并给我包装了

2. pay one's bill before leaving, as at a hotel 办理结账退房手续
[例] Has Mr. Brown checked out yet? 布朗先生办理结账退房手续了吗?

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get itsomeone wrong

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misunderstand somethingsomeone 误会;误解(某人或某事)
[例] Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。
[例] You always get other people wrong. 你总是误会别人。
keep away
stay away from(使)不靠近;(使)离开
[例] Children should be kept away from the river. 不可让孩子们接近河边。
[例] Keep away from that woman. 离那女人远点。
instead of
in place of; rather than 代替„„;而不是„„
[例] I ordered chicken instead of fish. 我点了鸡而不是鱼。
[例] I went swimming instead of skating. 我去游泳了而不是滑冰。
[例] She is still keeping in contact with her old friends. 她仍与老朋友们保持联系。
[例] Keep in contact with me! 与我保持联系。
in fact really; actually 事实上;实际上
[例] She doesn't like him much—in fact, I think she hates him! 她不很喜欢他;事实
[例] I said it was Tuesday, but in fact it was Monday. 我说那天是星期二,实际上是
Pick up be able to hear or receive 收听到
[例] We picked up radio signals for help. 我们接收到无线电求救信号。
[例] We can't pick up any radio signals from VOA. 我们接收不到任何“美国之音”
的信号。 --------------------------- ------------------------------------
Language Point 1
Cell Phones, E-mail and Voice Mail
cell: (= cellular) adj. using a network of radio stations to pass on signals
cell phones: (Wireless telephones are) hand-held phones with built-in antennas, often
called cell, mobile, or PCS phones.
Do you have your cell phone with you? 你带手机了吗?
voice mail: It's a service that supplies customers with an individual
greetings can be given out and messages taken when the end-user is not available, or
chooses not to answer the telephone. End-users may store, forward, retrieve and erase
the messages.
voice mail 是语音邮件系统。它给顾客提供一个个人电子信箱,当终端用户不在
或 选择不接听电话时该邮箱可以发出问候(语)并接收信息。终端用户可以储存、
The company provides free voice mail services for some special schools.
Language Point 2

Aren't the above supposed to help us communicate with each other more easily?
Meaning: Is it not true that cell phones, e-mail and voice mail are supposed to help us
communicate with each other more easily?
the title.
Language Point 3
Sadly, that is not always the case.
Meaning: It's a pity that this is not always true. (In other words, cell phones, e-mails,
and voice mails are not always helpful to us when we need to communicate with each
Language Point 4
Take the other day for example, when I was walking through the park with my
Meaning: For example, one day when I was taking a walk with my friend in the
Language Point 5
...and he answered it—ignoring me and cutting our conversation dead!
Meaning: ...and he answered the cell phone call, paying no attention to me at all and
stopping our conversation completely!
dead: adv. suddenly and completely
stop dead
Language Point 6
In point of fact, the park was filled with people talking on their cell phones.
Meaning: In fact, you can find many people talking on their mobile phones here and
there in the park.
people talking on their cell phones = people who were talking on their cell phones
Language Point 7
They were passing other people without even looking at them, or stopping to stroke
their dogs.
Meaning: When they were walking by other people, they did not even have a look at
them, nor did they stop to touch their dogs as a sign of love.
Language Point 8
It was clear that the voice on the cell phone was preferable to human contact.
Meaning: Obviously (显然), people like talking on the cell phone better than meeting
and talking with each other face to face (面对面地).
prefer: vt. choose (one thing or action) rather than another; like better
He prefers black coffee.
preferable: adj. better or especially suitable; that one should or would prefer
He finds country life preferable to city life.

Language Point 9
There we were, four friends driving down the road, but not being allowed to talk to
one another because of something that is supposed to make communication easier!
Meaning: Right in the car were the four of us friends, and we were driving down the
road, but not allowed to talk to one another, simply because of the cell phone that is
supposed to make communication easier.
Language Point 10
Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?
Meaning: The more communication we have with the help of modern technology, the
lonelier I feel. What is the reason for this strange thing?
it = that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel
Language Point 11
Every advance in communications technology seems to keep people from human
Meaning: It seems that the development of communications technology discourages
people from meeting and talking with each other face to face.
Language Point 12
With e-mail over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to
one another.
Meaning: As we can have e-mails over the interactive network, we are able to
exchange (交流) information even when we don't meet or talk to each other.
Language Point 13
With voice mail, you can have conversations without ever meeting that person.
Meaning: As you have voice mail, you can talk to someone without ever meeting him
or her.
Language Point 14
...I can just leave a message on her answer phone.
Meaning: ...I can just send her some information that may be stored in her mailbox.
Language Point 15
As almost every kind of contact between human beings becomes automated, my
feeling of being disconnected gets stronger.
Meaning: Since almost every kind of communication between people can be done by
machines, my feeling of being lonely becomes stronger.
Language Point 16
You can't even call someone to get the phone number of another person, because
getting a phone number now is almost always fully automated.
Meaning: You don't have to take the trouble calling someone to get the phone number
of another person, because the job of getting a phone number is almost always fully
done by a machine these days.
Language Point 17
Pretty soon, you won't have to take the trouble of making eye contact at the food
Meaning: In the near future, when you buy something at a food store, you won't have

to greet or face the people there.
Language Point 18
...some stores are using a self-scanner so that you can check yourself out.
Meaning: ...some stores are using a machine called and with this
machine you can pay for what you've bought without the cashier (收银员).
Language Point 19
Don't get me wrong; I'm not against machines.
Meaning: Don't misunderstand (误会) me; I don't object (反对) to using machines.
Language Point 20
Giving them up isn't a good idea, as they are useful to have around.
Meaning: It is not a good idea to give them up since they are useful when you keep
them with you.
Language Point 21
It's just that when they keep us away from human contact, I begin to feel sad.
Meaning: The point is that when they prevent us from meeting or talking face to face,
I begin to feel unhappy.
It = the point; the important thing
Language Point 22
More and more, I find myself answering e-mails instead of talking to people.
Meaning: I find myself spending more and more time answering e-mails, but less and
less time talking to others.
Language Point 23
The technology that was made to help keep us in contact with each other is, in fact,
making me lonelier.
Meaning: In the first place, the technology was made to help us exchange our feelings
and information in an easy way. But now, it is making me lonelier (as I have fewer
chances to talk to my friends personally).
Language Point 24
What is to be done?
Meaning: What should we do with the situation?
be + to do:
1) show what should happen
Everyone is to pay his own expenses.
He asked his mother what he was to do.
2) show arrangements for the future
She is to go to town tomorrow.
Are you to go there by plane or by train?
3) expresse an order or rule

You are to hand in your translation tomorrow.
You are not to smoke in public places.
Language Point 25
... I've made myself a technology restriction plan...
Meaning: I have made a plan for using technology in a limited way...
restrict: v. keep within limits of size or number, or to a certain limit
The woods restrict our vision.
Language Point 26
No e-mailing people who live near me, no cell-phoning when I'm with friends, and no
letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.
Meaning: I will not use e-mails to communicate with people who live near me, nor
will I use cell phones when I'm with friends, or allow the voice mail to receive the
message when I'm at home.
Language Point 27
I mean, what good are all these hi-tech things, if there's no one in the room to hear
you say
Meaning: What I mean is that if there's no one in the room to hear your greetings,
what's the use of all these modern things.
Notice that







