北师大版小学英语二年级上册精品教案 全册

2020年12月14日 11:20



北师大版小学英语二年级上册精品教案 全册

全 册 备 课
现在的社会是向着全球化,社会化发展 的。英语逐渐的成为我们生活中不可
缺少的一部分,越来越被人重视,小学英语作为教育发展的重要环节 ,更应该得
倡导学生体验、实 践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的必学途径,发展
学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过 程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主
养学生学习兴趣就成 了一个基础话题,这一问题要面向全体学生,特别是要关注
学生的个别差异引起的情感问题。帮助学生建 立成就感和自信心。
的作用,一定要从以老师 为中心的教学模式身以学生为中心的教学模式转变。强
调学生的参与和体验,强调采用多种形式的教学活 动。比如可以利用我们学校已
有的良好电教资源,听原版录音带练习发音,也可以利用网络找一些贴近课 堂学
兴趣。 < br>总的来说,新课标对发展学生自我主观能动性起到了很积极的作用。素质教
育在其中深有体现。并 且由升学教育向终身教育的转变等等都是很好的突破。在
这一新课标的指导下,希望在英语教学中可以达 到更好的效果。

Teaching Aims:
充分利用学校的电教资源,在发展学生自主学习的基调上,让学生 可以接触
语,如:能 听懂询问名子的问及回答,或问是谁的语句。辨别词中的字母的

根据本册书的教学要求,作为 基本的主导方向,指导学生在教师为学生设计
的教学情境中,能够正确运用问名子,问是谁,问是什么等 等的语句,并能
正确,流 利的朗读和使用课文对话,正确读出与课文或练习中相关的单词,
以听、说、读的基础上,培养学生写的能力。正确描、写英语中的字母 ,能
1、 发挥老师的 指导做用的同时,充分发挥学生的自我主观调动意识,且提高
他们自主学习的能力,但要注意教师在教的 过程中,对学生思想的指导方向,
不能一味的任学生自己发展。 二年级的学生在上课时有些时候上课意 识并
不但可以提高学 生的学习兴趣,又可以丰富学生对新事物的接触能力,从而
更直观、方便的教和学,在潜移默化中培养学 生学习英语的兴趣。
3、在英语的教学过程中,加入适当的对英、美等国家一些风俗习惯在日常生活< br>中的应用。主要采取同学之间互相帮助的方法,可以形成一帮一小组等方式。
使学生可以在一起分 享学习英语给大家带来的乐趣。鼓励学生多说,多练,
1、在英语教学的过程中注意培养学生的学习兴趣是一个老生常谈的问题 ,因此
生的意见,抵 制学英语给学生带来的负面压力,努力创设一个轻松的学习环
2、在英语教学中也应时时 渗透思想道德教育的重要性。确立良好的价值观和积
极向上的人生观,形成同样积极的学习态度。 3、对于申奥成功,无疑是北京对世界张开怀抱的一个机会,学生作为未来世界
的主动力,在学习中 提倡培养学生的创新意识。这样才能在竞争如些激烈的
Teaching contents:

Unit 1Hello!
Unit 2 This is Danny Deer
Unit 3 Who’s that?
Unit 4 Ann’s family
Unit5 He’s my father
Unit6 Review

Teaching Emphasis:
①What’s your name? And answers
②This is… ? And answers
③Who’s that?. And answers
④He is ?She is? And answers
Teaching Difficulty:
PS:Teacher’s activities=T
Student’s activities=S
Teaching planning
2 ~ 3
4 ~ 5
7~ 8
13~ 14

Unit 1Hello!
Unit 2 This is Danny Deer
Unit 3 Who’s that?
Unit 4 Ann’s family
Unit5 He’s my father
Unit 6 Review
General review and exam

9~ 10 Review



生人问姓名等。这些简单的对 话是学生日常生活中可以常常用到的,这样可以提
高学生使用英语交流的机会和能力。在此过程中又可以 渗透一些外国风俗习惯,
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
能在适当的语境,打招呼询问姓名;能在教师设计的语境中运用本单元所学功能< br>句,及应答进行会话。
3、 Reading:
能正确、流利的朗读课文对话及LOOK AND SAY中的对话;能正确读出图中物
4、 Writing:
1、利用现有的教设备资源 ,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了
解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学 习打下基础。
3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情, 还可
Teaching Emphasis:
1、What’s your name? 及应答.


2、重点词汇:cat, dog, baby, ball, carrot, ant, door, deer, apple.
Teaching Difficulty:
1 、字母无论从读音还是写上来说,对于二年级学生来说都是较难掌握的,在单
词的学习中引出字母的学习 。

The 1
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogue .
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
1、How can use “What’s your name?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
2、Emphasis sentence: what’s your name?
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can use the “What’s your name?” in dialogue. Answer it.
Teaching process:
Give English name to the students.
T: What’s your English name?
S: Answer it.
Introduce the new people. Such as: Mocky, Uncle Booky and so on.
T: The teacher must conduct the student read and study.
Look at the pictures and think it.
S: Think it.
Read after the tape.
T: Conduct the students read the dialogues.

S: Read after the teacher.
Read the dialogues with themselves about five minutes.
Pair work (one student ask and the other answer)
Picture 1: Where are the children?
Picture 2: Who sees them?
Picture 3-5: What is the monkey doing?
What do you think they are saying?
Picture 6: How are they getting across the river?
Picture 7-8: Where are they all going?
T: Conduct the students take the one finger to find the same words with blackboard.
S: Follow the teacher’s conduct and take these fingers for words.
Black Board Write:
Hello Bye
What is your name?
My name is ……
1. Read the dialogues with the pictures.
2. Teach the new dialogues to dad and mom in English.

The 2
Teaching Aims:
1、The students understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be ask and answer the emphasis sentence very expertly.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. How can use “What’s your name?” in dialogue very expertly. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: what’s your name?
My name’s=my name is

Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “What’s your name?” in dialogue very expertly. And answer it.
Teaching process:
Review the English name.
T: Review the dialogues.
Student book page 4
Have the class look at the top of the page.
Without the tape, read the words together.
S: As you play the tape, have the class point to the character that is speaking.
Have the children touch each word as they say it.
T: Point to the six pictures and say, “look at the first picture. Who is talking?”
S: Monkey.
T: Repeat for the other five pictures.
S: Make it.
T: Have the children open their books at page ,”We are going to learn a song
about our new friend.”
Read the words to the children, pointing to each word.
S: Read after the teacher.
Sing after the tape.
Step 5:
T: what’s your name?
What is your name?
S: The students know what’s mean.
Singing and reading.

The 3
Teaching Aims:

1、Use the dialogues explain the mind and use it in live.
2、The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be ask and answer in live.
Teaching Emphasis:
How can use “What’s your name?” in live. And answer it.
Emphasis sentence: what’s your name?
My name’s=my name is
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “What’s your name?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching Medium
T: Have the children open their books at page 6. Draw their attention to the
bottom half of the page. Explain that you want them to listen to the tape and
touch the correct characters when they hear them say, “Hello!”
S: Play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures.
T: Display your copy of the page. Point to the fourth picture and say, “Hello. My
name’s Lulu”
S: Have the children touch the picture in their books and repeat the words.
T: Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.
T: Ask the children to find a picture of Ann in their books.
Write Ann on the board and say,”this is Ann’s name. Look at the first letter. This
letter is called letter A.”
S: Draw the children’s attention to the picture of the thing beginning with Aa (apple).
T: Introduce the letter Bb, Cc, Dd.
Have the children find a picture of Uncle Booky in their books.
Point to the first letter, and say,” look at this letter. This is the letter Bb.”
Repeat the procedure for letters Cc and Dd.
S: Make it.
Step 4:
S: Student book page 79
T: Have children point to the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
Teach the students call them “capital” and “small” letters.

Tell them that capital letters are used at the beginning of names.
S: Have the children turn to the black and white copy of Uncle Booky’s ABC. They
can trace over the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and color the picture.
Step 5:
Black board writes:
Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ann apple boy baby cat carrots
deer dog
1. Color the picture and letters for Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
2. Color the pictures of Ann, Ken, Mocky and Uncle Booky.

The 4
Teaching Aims:
1、Use the dialogues explain the mind in live very expertly..
2、Keep the students like to learn English.
3、The students can be ask and answer very expertly in live.
Teaching Emphasis:
1、How can use “What’s your name?” very expertly in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis letter Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “What’s your name?” very expertly in live. And answer it.
Differentiate the capital and small letter.
Teaching Medium:
T: Say, “watch me write the letter A.”
Write a letter A in the air.
S: The students write the letter in the air with teacher.
Repeat for the small letter a.
Follow the same procedure for Bb, Cc and Dd.
Step 2:
S: Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom half of the page.
T: Play the tape. As the children repeat each word they should point to its beginning

Without the tape, have the children point to each picture in turn and say the
beginning sound.
S: Make it.
Step 3:
T: Point to the ‘s of What’s and explain that the apostrophe mark shows that a letter
has been left out.
In the same way, review My name’s and introduce My name is.
S: Make it.
T: Have the children open their books at the top of page 9.
Model the structures by reading, for example: Hello! What’s your name? My
name’s Ken.
Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the questions, and the
other group repeats the answers. Use all possible combinations.
Have the groups change places.
Step 4:
Review the sentences from the previous activity.
Draw the children’s attention to the bottom part of the page. Display your
copy of the page, and explain that when you point to a character you will ask a
child to tell the class what that character would say.
If time allows, children could repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.
Step 5:
Black board writing:
What’s your name? = What is your name?
my name’s = my name is
Step 6:
Student book page 8
Have the children trace the letters beside the pictures. They can finish the exercise for
Remind the class to finish tracing and writing Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.

The 5
Teaching Aims:

1、Use the dialogues explain the mind.
2、The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be ask and answer.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. How can use “What’s your name?” very expertly in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: what’s your name?
my name’s=my name is
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “What’s your name?” very expertly in live. And answer it.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Ask the children to read the sentences in the speech bubbles an match them with
the characters who have said them. Ask children to draw a line between the
speech bubbles and the characters.
Ask children to color the characters.
Step 2:
Review the dialogues for last class.
Such as: what’s you name? = What is your name?
My name’s = My name is
I’m = I am
Step 3:
Use the pictures or real objects and review the following words: dog, cat, ball and
Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real object.
Step 4:
T: Take some students to roles for dialogues.
S: In the one scene, divide the roles make a play for dialogues.
Step 5:
Black board writes:
(Picture) cat (Picture) ball (Picture) apple
(Picture) baby (Picture) dog
Step 6:
Teach the parents the words.

本单元主要是要求学生掌握在日常生活中如何运用是什么,不是什么的 问
的,这样可以 提高学生使用英语交流的机会和能力。
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
能在适当的语境打招询问物品名称;能在教师设计的语境中运用本单元所学功能< br>句,及应答进行会话。
3、 Reading:
能正确、流利的朗读课文对话及LOOK AND SAY中的对话;能正确读出图中物
4、 Writing:
1、利用现有的电教设备资 源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体
了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的 学习打下基础。
3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情 ,还可
Teaching Emphasis:
1、What is this? 及应答.
2、重点词汇: pencil, book, ruler, pencil box, eraser, pencil sharpener, ink, eggs,
flowers, girl, hat.
Teaching Difficulty:
1、字母无论从读音还是写上来说,对于二年级学生来说都是较难掌握的,在 单

This is Danny Deer
Lesson one 2008-9-23
Teaching Aims:
1、he student can be understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be read the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “What’s your name?” in dialogue. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” in dialogue.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
1. Hold up mask for Lulu. Say, “This is Lulu.”
2. Have the children say Lulu. Repeat this for Danny.
3. Repeat several times, and have the children say the names.
Step 2:
T: Hold up mask for Mocky and say, “This is Mocky.” Have the children repeat the
sentence after me.
Repeat the procedure for all the other masks.
Hold up each of the masks in turn, and say, “This is …”
S: Make it.
At last, hold up a mask but say nothing. Have the children make a sentence of their
Step 3:
T: Say, “stand up.” As you say this, stand up. Then have the children stand up. Repeat
the procedure for Sit down.
S: Let the children stand up and sit down in response.
T: Repeat the procedure for Open your books. And Show me a pencil.
Step 4:
Open the books.

T: Ask these questions about the pictures:
Picture 1: Who can you see in the picture?
What are they doing?
What do you think they are talking about?
Picture 3: What are Ann, Ken and Mocky doing?
Picture 45: Who do they meet?
Picture 67: Do they like him?
Picture 8: Who does Mocky see?
Picture 9: How does Mocky feel?
Picture 10: Has Mocky made a mistake?
Picture 11: What is happening to Mocky?
Step 5:
Story: The students read after the tape.
Explain that people often say” Oh, no.” ”Come on!” “Super”
Step 6:
Explain that you want the class to tell their families about the new characters, Danny
and Lulu.

Lesson two2008-9-25
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be read the dialogue very expertly.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “What’s your name?” very expertly in dialogue. And answer
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….”very expertly.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:

Review: “Hello! What’s your name?”
“ My name is …”
Step 2:
T: “This is … “ “This isn’t …”
S: Introduce your good friend’s name each other.
Step 3:
T: Touch a book in the classroom. Make sure all the children can see it. Say, “A
Repeat for a pen.
Play the tape and touch each object as you hear the words.
S: Have the children look at the pictures at the top of page 16.
Step 4:
T: Show me a pencil and so on.
S: Show it
Step 5:
T: What is this?
S: This is a book and so on.
Step 6:
Play games:
Have the children open their books at page 17. Drew their attention to the box at the
top of the page.
Point to each of the object in turn, naming them in English as you do so.
Look at the picture; ask each pair in turn to give the English word for a missing

Lesson three2008-9-27
Teaching Aims:
1、se the dialogues explain the mind.
2、Keep the students like to learn English.
3、The students can be introduced these good friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “What’s your name?”in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….

Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Introduce your good friend’s name each other.
Step 2:
Student book page 18:
Say to the children: “Open your books.”
Display your copy of the page. Read the words slowly, pointing to each word as you
say it. Substitute two of the children’s English names for the underlined names in the
Step 3:
Listen and number:
T: Display your copy of the page.
Point to the picture of Danny Deer..
Say, “This is Danny Deer.”
S: Have the children repeat the words as they point to the picture in their books.
Repeat another people.
T: play the tape. Touch the correct picture as you hear the words.
S: Explain that you want them to write the number of the sentence in the box beside
each picture as they listen to the tape.
Step 4:
Review the second letter: a, b, c, d.
Learn the new letter: e, f, g, h, i.
Replay the tape, and have the children point to the matching pictures in their
S: replay the tape and have the children say the word aloud.
Step 5:
Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Ee and the word eggs.
Step 6:
Have the children open their books at page 19. Explain that you want them to:
Color all the Ee letters in one color
Color letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii in different colors.

Lesson four2008-10-6
Teaching Aims:
1、Use the dialogues explain the mind.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be expertly introduced these good friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “What’s your name?” expertly in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” expertly in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Write the letter Ee-Ii:
Student book page 20
T: Stand with my back to the class.
Write capital letter E in the air, using large arm movements.
Ask the children to write the letter in the air with you.
S: Learn the teacher’s.
T: Repeat for the small letter e.
And another letters.
S: Go on doing that.
T: Tell the children that they will finish tracing over the letters.
S: Write the letters.
Step 2:
Student book page 20
Listen for E-I:
T: Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on the bottom half of the page.
Display you copy of the page.
S: Open the book and do it.
T: Show the pictures for teaching.
Say the matching word, for Example: elephant.
S: Read after the teacher.
T: Now play the tape.

S: Read after the tape and should point to beginning letter.
Step 3:
T: Show the pictures.
Stop the tape.
S: Have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
Step 4:
Student book page 21
T: Hold up the This is drill card and read it to the children
Pointing to the words as you read them.
S: Read.
T: Repeat the procedure with the Danny drill card.
S: Read and think it.
T: Use another mask for drills such as: Monkey, Booky and so on.
S: Make it.
Step 5:
T: Hold up the This is not drill card and read it to the children
Pointing to the words as you read them.
S: Read.
T: Repeat the procedure with the Danny drill card; say, “this is Monkey”.
S: Read and think it.
T: Use another mask for drills such as: Monkey, Booky and so on.
S: Make it.
Step 6:
Student book page 20
Remind the class of the work they began earlier, tracing and writing the letters.
For homework they can color the pictures on page 20.

Lesson five2008-10-7
Teaching Aims:
1. Understand the sentence how can use.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be very expertly introduced these good friends.

Teaching Emphasis:
1. The letters.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” very expertly in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Match the names:
Student book page 22
T: Ask children to say the names of the characters in the picture.
If I point at one character and ask children to say its name.
S: Answer it.
Then color the characters.
Step 2:
Sing a song:
T: Tape 1-2
S: sing after the tape.
I think the children will enjoy learning this song.
T: Repeat the tape.
S: sing it again.
Step 3:
Let’s chant:
Student book page 23
T: Show the picture for new words.
S: Repeat the new words.
T: Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real
Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme about a naughty
Play the tape for that.
S: The children like to learn that.
T: Play the tape.
S: read after the tape again and have themselves join in, encouraging them to

hum or clap with the rhythm.
T and S:
Have children point to the pictures in their books as they listen to tape again
or they can add some actions and act the rhyme out.
Step 4:
Student book page 22
Tell the children that you want them to
1. Color the picture on page 22.
2. Sing the song or the rhyme to their families.

Lesson six2008-10-9
Teaching Aims:
1. Use the sentence is very expertly and read the dialogue.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be very expert introduced these friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. The letters.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t…. very expert in live.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” very expert in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
1. Review the letters.
2. Review the new words.
3. Review the dialogues.
4. Review the emphasis sentence.
This prepares the children for the game later in the lesson.
Step 2:
Uncle Booky’s storytime:
Student book page 24
T: 1. Make a scene.
2. Play the tape.

S: read after the tape.
T and S:
Divide some roles for this story and do it.
Step 3:
This game reviews the structures hello! My name’s (Ann ).and This is (Ann).
T: Have the children either sit or stand in a circle.
Explain to the children that they are going to play a game where they introduce
themselves and their friends.
S: Make a circle and introduce their friends by right.
T: continue until all the children have had a turn.
Step 4:
Student book page 25
Have the children do the part in pairs or in groups by themselves.
They should assess themselves according to their own situation.
They should be encouraged to compare their results with and learn from each other.
T: Make some terms about two children.
Try to introduce the characters by book.
S: Try it.
T: one child points to a picture, the other says the name and then checks the box that
They switch their roles.
S: Try to do it.
T: The children work in pairs and circle the letters they have learned in this unit.
Step 5:
Write the letter.
Introduce your friends for your parents.


本单 元主要是要求学生掌握在日常生活中如何在见到陌生人问姓名等。这些
简单的对话可以满足学生的好奇心 ,也是学生日常生活中可以常常用到的,这样
可以提高学生使用英语交流的机会和能力。在此过程中又可 以渗透一些外国风俗
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
能在适当的语境打招呼询问对方及第三人称人的姓名;能在教师设计的语境中运< br>用本单元所学功能句,及应答进行会话。
3、 Reading:
4、 Writing:
1、利用现有的教设备资源 ,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了
解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学 习打下基础。
3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情, 还可
Teaching Emphasis:
1、Who’s that? 及应答.
2、重点词汇:jeep, kite, lemon, moon, noodles, kangaroo, money, nest, ladder, jacket.
Teaching Difficulty:
4、字母无 论从读音还是写上来说,对于二年级学生来说都是较难掌握的,在单

The 1

Teaching Aims:
1、Use the dialogues explain the mind.
2、The students like to learn English.
6、The students can be ask and answer.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
Read and understand the dialogue.
Teaching process:
Ready some mask
1.T: Hold up the Ken mask and say, “This is Ken.”
S: The children repeat, “This is Ken.”
T: Do the same for the other masks.
2.T: Hold up the Ken mask and say, “This isn’t Ann.”
S: Repeat: “This isn’t Ann.”
T: Encourage the children to finish my sentence with “This is Ken.”
3. Repeat the procedure, using the other masks.
Practice greetings:
T: Hold up our hand says: “Hello!”
S: Say: “Hello!” each other.
T: Call a student, another children say: “Hello!” with heshe.
Model the dialog
T: Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge.
Stand at the side of the room.
Choose one child to be your helper.
The helper points to each mask in turn.
For each mask you ask, “Who’s that?” model the answer, This is Ken.
S: Repeat.
T and S: repeat for the other five masks.
Talk about the story
Student book pages 26-27
T: say to the class, “open your books.”

Have the children find pages 26 and 27.
Ask these questions about the pictures:
Picture 1: How many children are in the playground?
What are they doing?
Picture 2: Where is Mocky?
Picture 3-5: What is Mocky doing?
What happens nest?
Picture 6-7: What do our two new friends look like?
Where are they from?
Picture 8: What is Mocky doing?
Picture 9: What happened to Mocky?
Picture 10: Was he hurt?
What is happening now?
S: Think it and answer it.
T: Play the tape.
S: Listening.
T: At the end, explain that we say Oh! Poor Mocky!
Poor her means “unlucky” or “unfortunate.”
Give the word in Chinese for ouch!
S: Listen and think.
T: Play the tape.
At the end, encourage the children to say.
“Oh! Poor Mocky!”
“Join us.”
S: Do it.
1. Tell their families about Cathy and Tommy.
2. Practice greeting their family and friends in English, saying “Hi, !”

The 2
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogues what’s mean.

2、The students like to learn English.
7、The students can be read the dialogues.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
Teaching process:
1) The students can be difference between this and that.
2) Take some mask for student, who can introduce that.
3) Use some object on these table for drill the sentence like T.
T: Conduct.
Student book page 28
T: 1) Drill the classroom activities “open your books.”.
2) Look the picture at the top of the page.
3) Pictures for countries.
S: 1) Open the book.
2) Look the picture at the top of the page and think it.
3) Read after teacher and tape for countries.
Play the tape:
S: Whose name you hear, then to touch the character and read
T: Check the children are touching the correct pictures before moving on.
T: 1) Take several masks for students in front of the classroom.
2) Play the tape, play one name stop a moment for students read.
Example: This is Wang Ling. She from china.
S: Read after the tape and think it next one.
T: Play the tape and check the students’ write.
S: Write the number for these hear.
T: Replay the tape.
S: Check it with these heard.
Step 7:
Students book page 29

Let’s song:
T: play the tape.
S: song after the tape.
T and S repeat this activity.
Step 8:
Teaching your parents for the dialogue and the new words.

The 3
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the words what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching process:
Student book page 30
T: Have the children open their books. Draw their attention to the exercise at the
bottom of page 30.
Play the tape.
S: listen and number the pictures according to the tapes.
Repeat this act, until the students all finish the answers.
T: The whole class check answers.
Introduce the letter J j.
T: Open your book page 79
1. Review the second-hand letters for Uncle Booky’s ABC.
2. Learn the new words. For example: jeep
1) Read the word
2) Students read after the T
3) Look at the picture for “jeep ”. Encourage all the children to say the
word aloud as they touch it in their books.
T: teach the new letters:

1. Look the picture, read after the tape.
2. Look other letters and read after the tape.
3. Read after the tape aloud.
4. Letters writing.
T: teach the new words:
1. Look the picture, read after the tape.
2. Look other words and read after the tape.
3. Read after the tape aloud.
1. Color each letter Jj-Nn.
2. Trace over the lettersJj-Nn of Uncle Booky’s ABC and color the pictures.

Lesson four2008-10-20
Teaching Aims:
3、Use the dialogues explain the mind.
4、The students like to learn English.
8、The students can be expertly introduced these good friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “What’s your name?” expertly in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” expertly in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Write the letter Ee-Ii:
Student book page 20
T: Stand with my back to the class.
Write capital letter E in the air, using large arm movements.
Ask the children to write the letter in the air with you.
S: Learn the teacher’s.
T: Repeat for the small letter e.
And another letters.
S: Go on doing that.
T: Tell the children that they will finish tracing over the letters.

S: Write the letters.
Step 2:
Student book page 20
Listen for E-I:
T: Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on the bottom half of the page.
Display you copy of the page.
S: Open the book and do it.
T: Show the pictures for teaching.
Say the matching word, for Example: elephant.
S: Read after the teacher.
T: Now play the tape.
S: Read after the tape and should point to beginning letter.
Step 3:
T: Show the pictures.
Stop the tape.
S: Have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
Step 4:
Student book page 21
T: Hold up the This is drill card and read it to the children
Pointing to the words as you read them.
S: Read.
T: Repeat the procedure with the Danny drill card.
S: Read and think it.
T: Use another mask for drills such as: Monkey, Booky and so on.
S: Make it.
Step 5:
T: Hold up the This is not drill card and read it to the children
Pointing to the words as you read them.
S: Read.
T: Repeat the procedure with the Danny drill card; say, “this is Monkey”.
S: Read and think it.
T: Use another mask for drills such as: Monkey, Booky and so on.
S: Make it.
Step 6:

Student book page 20
Remind the class of the work they began earlier, tracing and writing the letters.
For homework they can color the pictures on page 20.

Lesson five2008-10-21
Teaching Aims:
1. Understand the sentence how can use.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be very expertly introduced these good friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. The letters.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t….
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” very expertly in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
Match the names:
Student book page 22
T: Ask children to say the names of the characters in the picture.
If I point at one character and ask children to say its name.
S: Answer it.
Then color the characters.
Step 2:
Sing a song:
T: Tape 1-2
S: sing after the tape.
I think the children will enjoy learning this song.
T: Repeat the tape.
S: sing it again.
Step 3:
Let’s chant:

Student book page 23
T: Show the picture for new words.
S: Repeat the new words.
T: Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real
Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme about a naughty
Play the tape for that.
S: The children like to learn that.
T: Play the tape.
S: read after the tape again and have themselves join in, encouraging them to hum or
clap with the rhythm.
T and S:
Have children point to the pictures in their books as they listen to tape again or they
can add some actions and act the rhyme out.
Step 4:
Student book page 22
Tell the children that you want them to
1. Color the picture on page 22.
2. Sing the song or the rhyme to their families.

Lesson six2008-10-23
Teaching Aims:
1. Use the sentence is very expertly and read the dialogue.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be very expert introduced these friends.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. The letters.
2. Emphasis sentence: This is…. This isn’t…. very expert in live.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “This is….” ”This isn’t….” very expert in live.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:

5. Review the letters.
6. Review the new words.
7. Review the dialogues.
8. Review the emphasis sentence.
This prepares the children for the game later in the lesson.
Step 2:
Uncle Booky’s storytime:
Student book page 24
T: 1. Make a scene.
2. Play the tape.
S: read after the tape.
T and S:
Divide some roles for this story and do it.
Step 3:
This game reviews the structures hello! My name’s (Ann ).and This is (Ann).
T: Have the children either sit or stand in a circle.
Explain to the children that they are going to play a game where they
introduce themselves and their friends.
S: Make a circle and introduce their friends by right.
T: continue until all the children have had a turn.
Step 4:
Student book page 25
Have the children do the part in pairs or in groups by themselves.
They should assess themselves according to their own situation.
They should be encouraged to compare their results with and learn from each other.
T: Make some terms about two children.
Try to introduce the characters by book.
S: Try it.
T: one child points to a picture, the other says the name and then checks the box that
They switch their roles.

S: Try to do it.
T: The children work in pairs and circle the letters they have learned in this unit.
Step 5:
Write the letter.
Introduce your friends for your parents.

本单元主要是要求学生掌握在日常生活中如何介绍自己的家人等,也是 学生
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
能在适当的语境打招呼询问对方及第三人称人的姓名及回答;能在教师设计的语< br>境中运用本单元所学功能句,及应答进行会话。
3、 Reading:
4、 Writing:
1、利用现有的教设备资源 ,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了
解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学 习打下基础。
3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情, 还可
Teaching Emphasis:
1、Who’s that? 及应答.
Teaching Difficulty:

1字母无论从读音还是写上来说,对于 二年级学生来说都是较难掌握的,在单词

The 1
Teaching Aims:
1、Explain dialogues with the pictures
2、The students like to learn English and love these family.
9、Read the dialogue with the pictures.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
Read and explain the dialogue.
Teaching process:
Ready some mask
T: Encourage the children to finish my sentence with “That is Ken.”
3. Repeat the procedure, using the other masks.
Practice greetings:
Hold up a mask says: “That is …”.
T conducts the S do it.
Model the dialog
T: Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge.
Stand at the side of the room.
Choose one child to be your helper.
The helper points to each mask in turn.
For each mask you ask, “Who’s that?”
S: Answer it and repeat.
T and S: repeat for the other five masks.
Talk about the story
Student book pages 38-39.

Have the children find pages 26 and 27.
Ask these questions about the pictures:
How many people are in the pictures?
What are they doing?
Where is Mocky?
What is Mocky doing?
S: Think it and answer it.
T: Play the tape.
S: Listening.
T: At the end , explain the text.
S: Listen and think.
T: Play the tape.
At the end, encourage the children to say.
S: Do it.
3. Ready for introduce these family.
4. Practice greeting their family and friends in English, saying “That is…”
Flow chart:


Mask Try to say



Questions Guess and read

Tape for listen Read after the tape

Sum up

The 2
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogues what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
10、 The students can be read the dialogues.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?

Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
Teaching process:
The students can be difference between this and that.
Take some mask for student, who can introduce that.
Use some object on these table for drill the sentence like T.
T: Conduct.
Student book page 28
T: Look the picture at the top of the page.
Pictures for countries.
S: Open the book. Look the picture at the top of the page and think it. Read after
teacher and tape for countries.
Play the tape:
S: Whose name you hear, then to touch the character and read
T: Check the children are touching the correct pictures before moving on.
T: 1) Take several mask for students in front of the classroom.
2) Play the tape, play one name stop a moment for students read.
S: Read after the tape and think it next one.
T: Play the tape and check the students’ write.
S: Write the number for these hear.
T: Replay the tape.
S: Check it with these heard.
Let’s song:
T: play the tape.
S: song after the tape.
T and S repeat this activity.
Teaching your parents for the dialogue and the new words.

The 3
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the words what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.

Teaching Emphasis:
1. How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching process:
T: Have the children open their books. Draw their attention to the exercise at the
bottom of page 43.
Play the tape.
S: listen and number the pictures according to the tapes.
Repeat this act, until the students all finish the answers.
T: The whole class checks answers.
Introduce the letter O o.
Review the second-hand letters for Uncle Booky’s ABC. Learn the new words.
1 Read the word
2 Students read after the T
3 Look at the picture for “orange ”. Encourage all the children to say the word
aloud as they touch it in their books.
T: teach the new letters:
1 Look the picture, read after the tape.
2 Look other letters and read after the tape.
3 Read after the tape aloud.
4 Letters writing.
T: teach the new words:
1 Look the picture, read after the tape.
2 Look other words and read after the tape.
3 Read after the tape aloud.
1 Color each letter Oo-Rr.
2 Trace over the lettersJj-Nn of Uncle Booky’s ABC and color the pictures.

The 4
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the words what’s mean.

2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching process:
Write the letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr.
Student book page 43.
Listen for the letters.
Uncle Booky’s blackboard:
Student book page 43.
T makes some cards for sentence:
Who’s that? Who is that?
That’s = That is
Take these card conduct the students make some drills.
Touch and say:
Display the card and draw the children’s attention to the sentences.
T makes some mistake for sentences, conduct the children change it to true.
Student book page 44.
Remind the class to finish tracing and writing the letters.

The 5
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the new words what’s mean.
2、The students esteem classmate each other.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in live expertly. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live expertly. And answer it.
Teaching process:

Student book page 46
T: Have the children open their books at y my copy of the page.
Ask some questions.
S: Answer it and explain that you want the children to draw a line from each
character to the matching speech bubble.
Sing a song about Happy Birthday.
T: Use pictures or real objects to review the following words: rat, rabbit, and panda.
Play the tape for chat.
S: Read after the teacher.
Chat after the tape.
Tell the children they can color the pictures for “Match Ann’s family”.(Student book
page 46.)

The 6
Teaching Aims:
1、Sum the sentences and words for children.
2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
Sum the sentences and words for children.
Teaching Difficulty:
Sum the sentences and words for children and use it in live.
Teaching process:
Review the new words with pictures or real object.
Review the sentences with cards.
Make a lot of the drills.
If have some time, play a game for new words.
Which one pupil first say what’s pronunciation for word, heshe can be improve a
Student book page 49
Self-assessment, then T make assessment for children.

He’s my father
日常生活中可以常常用到的, 这样可以提高学生使用英语交流的机会和能力。
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
能在适当的语境打招呼询问对方及第三人称人的姓名及回答;能在教师设计的语< br>境中运用本单元所学功能句,及应答进行会话。
3、 Reading:
4、 Writing:
1、利用现有的教设备资源 ,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了
解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学 习打下基础。
3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情, 还可
Teaching Emphasis:
1、Who’s that? 及应答.
Teaching Difficulty:

The 1
Teaching Aims:


1、Explain dialogues with the pictures
2、The students like to learn English and love these family.
3 Read the dialogue with the pictures.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
Read and explain the dialogue.
Teaching process:
Ready some mask
T: Encourage the children to finish my sentence with “That is Ken.”
Repeat the procedure, using the other masks.
Practice greetings:
Hold up a mask says: “That is …”.
T conducts the S do it.
Model the dialog
T: Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge.
Stand at the side of the room.
Choose one child to be your helper.
The helper points to each mask in turn.
For each mask you ask, “Who’s that?”
S: Answer it and repeat.
T and S: repeat for the other five masks.
Talk about the story
Student book pages 38-39.
Have the children find pages 26 and 27.
Ask these questions about the pictures:
How many people are in the pictures?
What are they doing?
Where is Mocky?
What is Mocky doing?
S: Think it and answer it.

T: Play the tape.
S: Listening.
T: At the end , explain the text.
S: Listen and think.
T: Play the tape.
At the end, encourage the children to say.
S: Do it.
5. Ready for introduce these family.
6. Practice greeting their family and friends in English, saying “That is…”

The 2
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogues what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
13、 The students can be read the dialogues.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in dialogue. And answer it.
Teaching process:
The students can be difference between this and that.
Take some mask for student, who can introduce that.
Use some object on these table for drill the sentence like T.
T: Conduct.
Student book page 28
T: Look the picture at the top of the page.
Pictures for countries.
S: Open the book. Look the picture at the top of the page and think it. Read after
teacher and tape for countries.
Play the tape:

S: Whose name you hear, then to touch the character and read
T: Check the children are touching the correct pictures before moving on.
T: 1) Take several mask for students in front of the classroom.
2) Play the tape, play one name stop a moment for students read.
S: Read after the tape and think it next one.
T: Play the tape and check the students’ write.
S: Write the number for these hear.
T: Replay the tape.
S: Check it with these heard.
Let’s song:
T: play the tape.
S: song after the tape.
T and S repeat this activity.
Teaching your parents for the dialogue and the new words.

The 3
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the words what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching process:
T: Have the children open their books. Draw their attention to the exercise at the
bottom of page 43.
Play the tape.
S: listen and number the pictures according to the tapes.
Repeat this act, until the students all finish the answers.
T: The whole class checks answers.
Introduce the letter O o.
Review the second-hand letters for Uncle Booky’s ABC. Learn the new words.

1 Read the word
2 Students read after the T
3 Look at the picture for “orange ”. Encourage all the children to say the
word aloud as they touch it in their books.
T: teach the new letters:
1Look the picture, read after the tape.
2Look other letters and read after the tape.
3Read after the tape aloud.
4Letters writing.
T: teach the new words:
1Look the picture, read after the tape.
2Look other words and read after the tape.
3Read after the tape aloud.
1Color each letter Oo-Rr.
2Trace over the lettersJj-Nn of Uncle Booky’s ABC and color the pictures.

The 4
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the words what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live. And answer it.
Teaching process:
Write the letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr.
Student book page 43.
Listen for the letters.
Uncle Booky’s blackboard:
Student book page 43.
T makes some cards for sentence:
Who’s that? Who is that?

That’s = That is
Take these card conduct the students make some drills.
Touch and say:
Display the card and draw the children’s attention to the sentences.
T makes some mistake for sentences, conduct the children change it to true.
Student book page 44.
Remind the class to finish tracing and writing the letters.

The 5
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the new words what’s mean.
2、The students esteem classmate each other.
Teaching Emphasis:
3. How can use “Who’s that?” in live expertly. And answer it.
2. Emphasis sentence: Who’s that?
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “Who’s that?” in live expertly. And answer it.
Teaching process:
Student book page 46
T: Have the children open their books at y my copy of the page. Ask
some questions.
S: Answer it and explain that you want the children to draw a line from each character
to the matching speech bubble.
Sing a song about Happy Birthday.
T: Use pictures or real objects to review the following words: rat, rabbit, and panda.
Play the tape for chat.
S: Read after the teacher.
Chat after the tape.
Tell the children they can color the pictures for “Match Ann’s family”.(Student book
page 46.)

The 6
Teaching Aims:
1、Sum the sentences and words for children.
2、The students like to learn English.
Teaching Emphasis:
Sum the sentences and words for children.
Teaching Difficulty:
Sum the sentences and words for children and use it in live.
Teaching process:
Review the new words with pictures or real object.
Review the sentences with cards.
Make a lot of the drills.
If have some time, play a game for new words.
Which one pupil first say what’s pronunciation for word, heshe can be improve a
Student book page 49
Self-assessment, then T make assessment for children.

Teaching aims:
(2) 能在适当的语境打招呼介绍自己、询问对方及第三人称人的姓名
及第三人称人的物品, 并做出回答;能在教师设计
(4) 正确、规范地写本单元和本册要求掌握的字母。
1、学生可以更加直观的对所要学 习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好

2、在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出 示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便
Teaching emphasis:
1.Read the text
2.Learn the new words
3.Write the all letters
Teaching difficulty:
Use the dialogue in everywhere

The 1
Teaching aims:
1. Learn to the new words and new text.
2. Students like to learn English.
Teaching emphasis:
Read the text and structure
Teaching difficulty:
Read the text
Teaching process:
review the words and sentences
T: say “Hi, Bobby !”
S: say “Hi, Bobby !”
Open your books at page 62,63
Ask the question :
1.”Who is at the park ”
2.”who does Bobby Bear meet first”
3.” Who does Bobby Bear meet next”
4.”Who are those people under the tree”

5.” Who is Ken ”
6.” What does Ken say ”
7.” Who does Bobby show us”
Student book page 62-63
S: look at the picture
Think about “What are they talking ”
Look listen and repeat
Read in pairs
Ask student to introduce the new friends to your parents

The 2
Teaching aims:
1. Learn to the new words: he she his her .
2. They can like to learn English.
Teaching emphasis:
he she his her .
Teaching difficulty
Teaching process :
Yes No
This is -----
This isn’t ----
Do it in pairs
listen and match
Student book page 64
Look at the picture and answer the question “Who’s heshe ?”
Listen and write the number
T: ”Who’s he she ?”
S: ”HeShe is -----”
Do it in pairs
Review words : mother father brother sister----

Structure : This is my ----
HeShe is my ----
Student book page 64
T: ”Who’s he ?”
S: He’s my ----
Do it in pairs
Write the missing letter at the beginning of each word and color the

The 3
Teaching aims:
1. Review the sentences.
2. Improve the students pronouncation.
Teaching emphasis:
How can use “this or that ” in dialogue.
Teaching difficulty:
How can use “this or that ” in dialogue.
Teaching process :
Read the missing letters and ask a student writing on the
Read the words for three times
Ask a student to stand in front of the classroom and another student
stand in the corrent.
Point to the student say : “This is ---”
Point to the other student say : “That is ----”
talk together
Student family phone
Ask student to introduce his family .
learn the new letters
S: say “Ww”
Write on the books
Read the word “watch”
Listen for Xx Yy Zz

In the same way
Read the words
Color each letters in the difficulty color

The 4
Teaching aims:
1. Learn to the new songs.
2. Write the letter.
Teaching emphasis:
Write the all letters and read the words
Teaching difficulty:
Write the all letters and read the words
Teaching process:
Review letters
Write in the sky and say the words
write the letters
Student book page 68
Ask student to trace the letters
listen for W,X,Y and Z
T: point to the picture ask student to say the first letters
Play the tape and point to the first letters
S: listen point and repeat
sing a song with the radio
Point to the letters
Listen and repeat
Sing with the tape
Write the all letters

The 5
Teaching aims:

1. Summary the sentences and the new words.
2. Improve students reading and writing ability.
Teaching emphasis:
Sum the letters and words for children.
Teaching difficulty:
Sum the letters and words for children and use it in the live
Teaching process:
T: Review the new letters with pictures or real object.
T:Review the sentences with cards.
S:Make a lot of the drills.
S: play a game for new words.
Student book page72
Self- assessment, then T make assessment for children.







