
2021年01月02日 14:42




Topic one: Talking about College
Section A 热身句型
1. What on earth are they talking about?
A:What on earth are they talking about?
B:God knows.
“on earth”是“究竟”的意思,经常放在疑问词之后,表示强调。“on earth”也可以换成“in
the world”。
2. We were just talking about
A:Hey, we were just talking about you.
B:What were you saying?
3. In my opinion„„
A:There’s a problem in the Accounting Department.
B:In my opinion, they are understaffed and there’s just far too much work for them.
“opinion”表示 意见,加了good表示对某人有好感的用语,其中的修饰词good可以换成
其他词,如对某人没有好 感,可以说“have a bad opinion”,对某人评价很高,说“have a high
opinion”,对某人评价很低,说“have a low opinion”。
Section B 精彩句型
What do you think are the qualifications of a teacher?
The basic qualifications of a teacher are: knowledge, responsibility, capability and patience.
What kind of teacher is your ideal teacher, then?

An ideal teacher is a friend as well as a teacher to his students.
He explains the lessons in much detail and does his best to answer questions.
An ideal teacher keeps in constant touch with his students 。
Teacher could learn about the family conditions of the students and offer whatever help when
A teacher should always set a good example himself so as so influence his students.
The university has ten colleges, and the total enrollment is 20,000.
There are extensive teaching facilities in our university. It has a lot of computer rooms and
multi-medium classrooms.
Students can take meals in the university cafeterias.
Section C 身临其境
1.Talking about College
A:What attracted you to our college?
B: I like your sports facilities, especially the swimming pool.
A: Do you play many sports?
B: Yes , I like basketball and baseball.
A: Good, We have great teams here and you’ll be able to try out for them. Where did you go to
school before?
B: Hongqi High School
2.Students’ Union
A: Where are you going?
B: I’m going to the Students’ Union office. We’re going to have a meeting.
A: Anything special?
B: Yes, We are going to carry out an activity of voluntary labor according to the Union activity
plan. We members of the Students’ Union just get together to make some arrangements.

A: A voluntary labor? Doing what?
B: We originally had planned to clean the section of a narrow, long road near the railway station.
We actually meant to sweep the dust away from it. You see, as there were lots of vehicles
passing everyday, there was much dust on the road at ordinary time.
B:是的。按照学生会活动计划,我们要进行一次义务劳动。我们学 生会成员为这事召集到
B: 我们原先计划去清扫火车站附近的一条狭长公路的一个路段。我们的意思是去清扫公路
上的灰尘。因为那 条路每天过往的车辆多,所以平时灰尘很多。

Topic two:
n the classroom

1. What kind of English class do you like?
Interesting class. I can learn some foreign culture and custom through the teacher teached and
we can compare with ours together.
2.What kind of teaching method do you want in the English class?
I hope we have active situation that the students can take part in and discuss the topic
together and speak different views, practicing their oral English.
我希望有一个积极的学习环境同学们能积极参加一起 参与讨论当堂课的话题,说出自己
3.Do you think the English class is compulsory course or elective course?
I wish just like now the English class is compulsory course because nowadays English is very
important to us. We must learn it well. Thus we can speak it fluently and help us to communicate
with foreigners.
我希望就像现在这样英语是一门必修课,因为当今英 语对我们来说非常重要。我们必须
4.How to learn English well?
At middle school the teacher talked all the time. We just took notes tried to memorize the
books and got high marks but now I think in the college we should learn how to learn. It means we
should use most of time to learn English by ourselves and practice our oral English as possible as
we can.

在中学都是老师一直在说。我们只是记笔记尽量记 住书本中的知识并试图打高分但是现
在我认为在大学我们应该学会怎样去学。也就是我们应该利用大部分 时间自己去学英语并尽
Topic: there are two topics the first one is Tom got ill and couldn’t go to the class on time so
he went to the teacher’s office and said the situation.
Tom: May I come in sir?
Teacher: Yes, please.
Teacher: Why did you cut class yesterday?
Tom: I have got a bad cold.
Teacher: Did you go to see the doctor?
Tom: Yes. The doctor suggested me taking some medicine.
Teacher: Is it working?
Tom: Not exactly. May be I need to shot.
Teacher: Take care of you and keep warm.
Tom: Thanks teacher. I will be soon.
Teacher: Ok I hope have seen you next class.
Tom: I will sir.
况以 下是他们的对话内容。
Tom: 我可以进来吗,先生?
Teacher: 请进。
Teacher: 你昨天为什么旷课?
Tom: 我得了重感冒。
Teacher: 你去看医生了吗?
Tom: 是的,医生建议我说吃一些药。
Teacher: 有效果吗?
Tom: 不是很有效,也许我需要打一针。
Teacher: 那好好照顾自己吧。多穿点。
Tom: 谢谢老师,我会好起来的。
Teacher: 我希望下节课能见到你。
Tom: 我会去的。

Topic three: A Brief Introduction about Our Campus

Conversations sample:
A: Hi, nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you too. I am a student of departmentcollege and I’m major in .
My name is .
A: Would you like to show me around your campus?

B: It’s my pleasure. Follow me please. Here you can find trees and flowers everywhere.
Songhua River calmly passes by in front of us. Look, that’s an artificial lake. We call it
―East Lake‖. Students like to read and walk there.
A: Yeah. What are those tall buildings over there?
B: They are our Classroom Buildings. Behind them is the playground. And this is our library. It
is an elegant building containing a large variety of books accessible to the students.
A: That’s great.
B: From here you can see the Main Building, the Science and Technology Building, there are
four classrooms for us to make online English study in that building. We can practice our
listening and speaking ability freely there. And the GYM is over there.
A: They look very modern and magnificent.
B: Yes, you know our college was moved out from Jixi four years ago and all these are new built
buildings. Besides these, our campus also includes many comfortable student apartments, one
spacious dining hall, an enclosed swimming pool and all kinds of sports fields. Such as the
football fields, they are made of artificial grass. It feels like racing on soft carpet while
playing on it. It’s so great. The basketball is the same.
A: I’m so glad to see that the students here are provided with so many advanced facilities.
B: ―High standard of educational facilities, teaching quality and college image‖ is our college’s
guiding policy. I’m very proud of being a student of Heilongjiang Institute of Science and
Technology. I love our campus very much. It is very beautiful right?“
A: Yes. So you are a lucky dog and you should cherish your study opportunity.
B: Of course. I go to the English Corner everyday to practice my oral English. The foreign
teachers there are very patient. We get along well with each other.
A: Really? Where is it held everyday?
B: In the main building on the second floor. We call it ―Sunshine hall‖.
A: And what’s the time?
B: 6 am to 8 am from Monday to Friday every week. It’s really very interesting and I suggest
you have a look there.
A: Thank you very much for your introduction. I would go there someday. See you.
B: My pleasure. See you.
A: 你好。见到你很高兴。
B: 见到你我也很高兴。我是 学院 专业的学生。我的名字叫 。
A: 你可以带我参观一下你们学校吗?
B: 荣幸之至。请跟我来。在我们学校到处都可以看见花草树木。松花江在前面静静地流淌。
A: 噢。那边的高楼是什么建筑物?
B: 那是我们的教学楼。教学楼后面是操场。这是我们的图书馆。它 的设计高雅,拥有各种
A: 真是太好了。
B: 从这你 可以看见我们的主楼,科技大厦,在科技大厦有四个网络教室共我们学习英语,

在那我们 可以自由地练习听说。还有那边是体育馆。
A: 这些建筑看起来都非常时尚宏伟。
B: 是的,四年前我们学校从鸡西迁到了哈尔滨。这些楼都是新建的。另外,学校还拥有许
多舒适的学生公寓 ,宽敞明亮的食堂,一座封闭式的游泳馆和各种体育运动场地。比如说
我们的足球场,都是用人工草埔成 的,每当在足球场奔跑时就像踩在柔软的地毯上那样舒
A: 真高兴看到学校能给学生提供这么多先进的设施。
B: “教育设施高标准,教学质量 高水准,学院形象高品位”是我们学院的指导方针。作为
黑龙江科技学院的一员我感到非常骄傲。我非常 热爱我的学校,我们的学校很美是吧?
A: 是的,所以你很幸运,同时也应该珍惜自己的学习机会。
B: 那当然了,我每天都去英语角练习口语。那的外教都非常的耐心,而且我们彼此相处的
A: 是吗?英语角每天都在什么地方啊?
B: 在主楼二楼的阳光大厅。
A: 什么时间?
B: 每周周一至周五早6点到8点。英语角真的很有趣。我建议您到那看看。
A: 非常感谢你的介绍。我抽时间一定去。再见。
B: 很高兴为您介绍我们的学校。 再见。

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1. Do you think rich students are more active than poor?
2. Do you think money can buy happiness and how?
3. Do we study for money?
4. Do you think being rich can help you study better?
5. How much money do you want to earn when you take a job?
6. What’s your opinion about ―money is the most important thing in one’s life?
1. What do you consider to be success?
2. What are the key factors to success?
3. If you fail ,what’s your first reaction?
4. Do you think that lazy people can achieve success? why?
5. Are you afraid of failure? Why or why not?
6. If you always fail, will you still continue to achieve success?

1. What do you think of the people who always rely on others for help?
2. Why do you think people help others?
3. Do you think we should remember the help we get from others ?why?
4. Do you often give money to the beggars in the streets? Why ?
5. Do you feel happy when or after you help others?(please give your reason)
6. Have you ever helped anybody?(please give an example)
Mobile phone
1. What is the advantage of having a mobile phone?
2. What is the disadvantage of having a mobile phone?
3. What is the advantage of not having a mobile phone?
4. Do you think it is necessary for the college student to buy a mobile phone?
5. How do you think if the teacher answers phone calls in class?
6. Should every student hand in mobile phone while having exams?
Teacher—student relationship
1. How to have a good teacher—student relationship?
2. Do you think the teacher should clean the blackboard by himself?
3. Do you think students should clean the blackboard for the teacher?
4. What is your favorite teacher like?
5. Do you agree that the students should be present in every class?
6. What kind of teacher do you prefer?
1. What do you think of the net love?
2. What do you think of the students who get addicted to Internet?
3. What do you think of the students who download the final papers from the Internet?
4. Please tell me the benefits Internet brings to people.
5. Please tell me the disadvantage the Internet .
6. Are you willing to meet someone who chats with you on Internet ? Do you feel safe?
Knowledge and book
1. Should students only learn from books?
2. Tell me the ways in which you can know more about society?
3. Tell me the ways in which you can obtain practical skills.
4. How do you think the student with high marks in college but with low ability in society?
5. Do you spend a lot of time reading books other than books in your major? explain briefly.
6. Do you think only books can provide you with knowledge? why?
Part-time jobs
1. Do you want to have a part-time job? why or why not?
2. How can students balance between part-time jobs and studies?
3. Tell me the reasons for students to take the part-time jobs.
4. Does your family encourage you to get a part-time job?
5. If you want to have a part-time job, what is your first consideration?

6. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities in your college?
Making friends
1. In your view, what makes a happier life wealth or health?
2. Among the people you know , who do you admire most ?tell me why?
3. Do you believe ―A friend in need is a friend indeed‖? Explain.
4. What would you prefer having many friends or just a few close friends?
5. Do you believe in life –long friendships ?why or why not?
6. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at school?
1. Do you like music ?why or why not ?
2. Tell me something about the influence of music on people.
3. Tell me the advantage of music.
4. What kind of music do you like best? why?
5. Should children learn to play musical instruments?
6. What is the difference between Chinese music and Western music?
Dorm Cleaning
1. What’s your way of keeping your dorm clean?
2. Do you want to be the head of your dorm and assign tasks to your dorm mates?
3. Would you like to hire some cleaner to clean your dorm?
4. When you are busy with your studying, do you think the cleaning of your dorm is a waste of
time or a pain?
5. Do you clean your dorm in turn? If yes, how do you deal with someone who never cleans the
6. is there anything you desire to have to help you clean your dorm?
1. Could you suggest some effective measures to stop smoking?
2. What would you do to your boy or girl friend if he or she is a heavy smoker?
3. What do you think of some girls’ smoking?
4. Do you smoke? If yes, how do you feel if you stop smoking for a day?
5. Do you think the smokers have the right to smoke cigarette every where and anytime? Why?
6. you know every cigarette box is printed with ―smoking is risky for your health‖, why is that?
1. What do you think is the best way to spend your holidays? And why?
2. Do you think we have too many holidays? Why do you think so?
3. Do you think holidays will increase pressure on transportation? Why or why not?
4. Do you think longer holidays will encourage spending? Why or why not?
5. Do you think that frequent holidays will make people lazy? Why or why not?
6. What do you think of students who sleep away the whole day in their dormitories during
1. What is the good influence of movie on people?

2. What is the bad influence of movie on people?
3. What’s the difference between film in modern time and that in the past?
4. Which kind of film is more popular in China?
5. What’s the difference between youngster’s taste and adult’s at film?
6. What is your opinion of Chinese movie?
1. Do you find any problem in food nowadays? What is it?
2. Do you like fast food? Why
3. Do people pay more attention to the healthy food?
4. What is the difference of people’s food habit in modern time and in the past?
5. What is the influence of fast food in China?
6. Do you have a healthy food habit?
Ideal Jobs
1. What is your ideal job like?
2. What kind of job do you want to do in future?
3. What factors do people take into consideration when they choose a job?
4. What do you think is the difference between an employer and an employee?
5. What is the role a job plays in one’s life?
Do you think it is good or not good to change one’s job? Why?







