
2020年09月09日 09:25




3分钟英语演讲稿pptladies and gentlemen , good afternoon!
i’m ver glad to stand here and give ou a short speeh. toda m
topi is “outh”. i hope ou ill like it , and found the
importane in our outh so that more herish it.
first i ant to ask ou some questions:
1、do ou kno hat is outh?
2、ho do ou master our outh?
outh is not a time of life, it is a state of mind it is
not ros heeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of
the emotions : it is the freshne; it is the freshneof the
deep springs of life .
outh means a temperamental predominane of ourage over
timidit of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.
this often exists in a man of 60 more than a bo of 20 . nobod
gros old merel b a number of ears . e gro old b deserting our
ears rinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm rinkles
the soul . orr , fear , self –distrust bos the heart and
turns the spirit bak to dust .
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hether 60 of 16 , there is in ever human being ‘s heart
the lure of onders, the unfailing hildlike appetite of hat’s
next and the jo of the game of living . in the enter of our
heart and m heart there’s a irelestation : so long as it
reeives messages of beaut , hope ,heer, ourage and poer from
men and from the infinite, so long as ou are oung .
hen the aerials are don , and our spirit is overed ith
snos of niism and the ie of pessimism, then ou are gron
old ,even at 20 , but as long as our aerials are up ,to ath
aves of optimism , there is hope ou ma die oung at 80.
thank ou!
good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am jo and glad to
give ou a speeh about stre, es , just the topi ou see on the
pshologist tell us that streis a state of orr aused b the
problem of living , suh as too muh ork or stud , heav
responsibilities , and quikened pae of life .
statistis sho that strees from ever detail in our life .
finanial problems , poor health , being laid off ma be the
strethat most adults no suffering . as students in the
universit , e are also under our speial stre. hile stud ,
having to take various tests and submit a projet against a
deadline ma put a great pressure on us . and the things make
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us felt stressed ma be our parents’s greater expetations on
us than e ould reah . later , hen e are likel to graduate ,
some other problems ill also anno us . i think e ill orr a
lot about our abilit to pete in the job market and ho e an
best use hat e’ve learned at ollege in our future job .
the hief problem e should fae to is our atitude toards
usuall sa the an not live in the sun exept the
esape from stre. it’s unele ! es , hoever , ver neessar .
just image a orld here stredoes not exist and people lead
their life in a ver fortable a . but is this kind of living
ondition as perfet as e hope ? ithout stre, the ma feel ver
satisfied ith the urrent life but lak of poer to disover ne
things . too muh result in nothing exept a ountermarh of the
soiet . no stre, no development . so a ertain amount of
streis good . it an stimulate us and inrease our level of
and our anser to streis another vital problem . ho to do
ith ourselves hen stresuddenl break into our life ? to ave
the hite flag and admit our unabilit , to give up to our
idealit , or orstl , just to suiide as to put an end to
everthing … of ause not . the priniple is to takle ith
stregentlel and harmoniousl. e should tr our best to release
ourselves . suh as to do some exerise , to linsen to
traditional hinese musi or lassial musi to ease our minds and
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to learn to vie these hanges of life as hallenges .it’s no
use ring over spilt milk . onl to aept hat has happened an
solve the problem .
ok , i think i as under large stre3 minutes before , but
no i am here and have finished m speeh . here is the last
thing i ant to add to m topi ,fae to it and overe it ,streis
also a piee of ake。



同学们,你们知道吗 3 月1 2 日,是我国的全民 植树节我们
爱松树不屈的 风骨.除了这种精神的寄托外,人们更看重它的实用价值.
有了树,才会有和- 谐美丽的大自然;有了树,才有清爽,新鲜的空气;有
树, 它不仅能防风固沙,保持水土,还能美化环境,是城市的忠诚卫
士,它用它特有的颜色为城市披上绿色的 新装.这个忠诚的城市卫士,为
了美化城市,还真做了不少的工作呢!比如绿树进行光合作用,提供人< br>类呼吸所需的氧气.它还是吸收氮气,二氧化碳,臭氧的天然净化物,并
且具有调节空气温度,湿 度,吸粉尘,噪音等功能.所有这些,都使人们高
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< br>度重视绿树的作用.于是才有了这一年一度的绿色节日——植树节.如
今,植树造林已成为民族风 尚,绿化家园成为时代的追求.
同学们,在植树节到来之前也要积极行动起来,在校内保护花草,给< br>花坛里的小花浇一点水,给操场上的小树培一培土,一起来美化绿化我
们的校园.除词之外我们同 学更要争做绿化宣传员,环保小卫士,要爱护
绿地.勿以善小而不为, 勿以恶小而为之从我做起,从你做起,从小事
做起,从身边做起,从现在做起,做绿化,美化环境的有心 人.将来,我们
更加明媚 灿烂!
春光明媚的3月正是万象更新 的季节,沐浴在春风里,我们感受
着万物复苏的清新气息,心中不由得产生了生命至诚的热爱。伴随着< br>迎春花盛开,一年一度的学雷锋活动也再次拉开了序幕,人们开始以
各种行动向雷锋学习。雷锋精 神总是随着春天的脚步一再融进我们的
今天 是3月12日,植树节。我们中华民族自古就有“爱树、育
树”的传统。爱白杨的挺拔,爱垂柳的柔美。 爱松树不屈的风骨。除
谐 美丽的大自然;有了树,才有清爽、新鲜的空气;有了树,才会有高
楼、房屋、矿山、铁路。树,它不仅 能防风固沙,保持水土,还能美
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化环境,是 城市的忠诚卫士,它用它特有的颜色为城市披上绿色的新
装。这个忠诚的卫士,为了美化大自然,做不少 的“工作”!绿树进行
臭氧 的天然净化物,并且具有调节空气温度、湿度,吸粉尘、噪音等
功能。所有这些,都使得人们不能不重视 绿树的作用。于是才有了这
利, 不惜破坏整个人类的生态环境。滥砍滥伐,造成大量水土流失。
想想我国的母亲河——黄河正面临着断流 的危险,想想长江、嫩江流
晶莹露珠是我们 迎接日出的眼睛,琅琅书声是我们献给太阳的
礼。同学们,在阳春三月——学雷锋活动大力开展的日子里 ,让我们
事做起,从身边做 起,从现在做起。做绿化、美化环境的有心人。我
们坚信,我们的校园将更加美丽,我们的榕城将更加美 丽!我们祖国的

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