
2021年01月02日 04:41




格林童话是享誉世界 文坛的文学作品,陪伴许多人度过了美好
难忘的童年时光,你看过多少关于英文版的格林童话故事呢?下 面是


In a certain village there once lived a man and his wife,
and the wife was so idle that she would never work at anything;
whatever her husband gave her to spin, she did not get done,
and what she did spin she did not wind, but let it all remain
entangled in a heap. If the man scolded her, she was always ready
with her tongue, and said,
I have no reel?

Just you go into the forest and get me one.

forest, and get some wood for making reels.

Then the woman was afraid that if he had the wood he would
make her a reel of it, and she would have to wind her yarn off,
and then begin to spin again.

She bethought herself a little, and then a lucky idea
occurred to her, and she secretly followed the man into the
forest, and when he had climbed into a tree to choose and cut
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the wood, she crept into the thicket below where he could not
see her, and cried,
he who winds, shall perish.
axe for a moment, and began to consider what that could mean.
he said at last, can that have been; my ears must
have been singing, I won't alarm myself for nothing.
he again seized the axe, and began to hew, then again there came
a cry from below:
he who winds, shall perish.
alarmed, and pondered over the circumstance. But when a few
moments had passed, he took heart again, and a third time he
stretched out his hand for the axe, and began to cut. But some
one called out a third time, and said loudly,who cuts wood
for reels shall die, And he who winds, shall was
enough for him, and all inclination had departed from him, so
he hastily descended the tree, and set out on his way home. The
woman ran as fast as she could by by-ways so as to get home first.
So when he entered the parlour, she put on an innocent look as
if nothing had happened, and said,
nice piece of wood for reels?

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from that time forth left her in peace about it. Neverthless
after some time, the man again began to complain of the disorder
in the house.
spun yarn should lie there all entangled!
you up into the loft, and I will stand down below, and will throw
the yarn up to you, and you will throw it down to me, and so
we shall get a skein after all.
man. So they did that, and when it was done, he said, yarn
is in skeins, now it must be boiled.
distressed; She certainly said,
morning she was secretly contriving another trick.
Early in the morning she got up, lighted a fire, and put the
kettle on, only instead of the yarn, she put in a lump of tow,
and let it boil. After that she went to the man who was still
lying in bed, and said to him,
get up and look after the yarn which is in the kettle on the
fire, but you must be at hand at once; mind that, for if the
cock should happen to crow, and you are not attending to the
yarn, it will become tow.
care not to loiter. He got up as quickly as he could, and went
into the kitchen. But when he reached the kettle and peeped in,
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he saw, to his horror, nothing but a lump of tow. Then the poor
man was as still as a mouse, thinking he had neglected it, and
was to blame, and in future said no more about yarn and spinning.

But you yourself must own she was an odious woman!


Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a
poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled. After he had
gathered it together and loaded it, he did not want to go
straight home, because he was so frozen, but instead to make
a fire and warm himself a little first. So he scraped the snow
away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small
golden key. Now he believed that where there was a key, there
must also be a lock, so he dug in the ground and found a little
iron chest. only the key fits!he thought. there
are valuable things in the chest., but there was
no keyhole. Finally he found one, but so small that it could
scarcely be seen. He tried the key, and fortunately it fitted.
Then he turned it once, and now we must wait until he has
finished unlocking it and has opened the lid. Then we shall find
out what kind of wonderful things there were in the little


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There was once on a time a far-sighted, crafty peasant
whose tricks were much talked about. The best story is, however,
how he once got hold of the Devil, and made a fool of him. The
peasant had one day been working in his field, and as twilight
had set in, was making ready for the journeyhome, when he saw
a heap of burning coals in the middle of his field, and when,
full of astonishment, he went up to it, a little black devil
was sitting on the live coals.
treasure!said the peasant. in truth,replied the Devil,

hast ever seen in thy life!
and belongs to me,
the Devil,
everything thy field produces. Money I have enough of, but I
have a desire for the fruits of the peasant agreed
to the bargain.
about the division,said he, that is above ground
shall belong to thee, and what is under the earth to me.
Devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant
had sown turnips.

Now when the time for harvest came, the Devil appeared
and wanted to take away his crop; but he found nothing but
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theyellow withered leaves, while the peasant, full of delight,
was digging up his turnips.
What grows above ground shall be thine, and what is under it,
mine.- am willing,replied the peasant; but when the time
came to sow, he did not again sow turnips, but wheat. The grain
became ripe, and the peasant went into the field and cut the
full stalks down to the ground. When the Devil came, he found
nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a
cleft in the rocks.
the peasant, and went and fetched away the treasure.


A certain tailor who was great at boasting but ill at
doing, took it into his head to go abroad for a while, and look
about the world. As soon as he could manage it, he left his
workshop, and wandered on his way, over hill and dale, sometimes
hither, sometimes thither, but ever on and on. Once when he was
out he perceived in the blue distance a steep hill, and behind
it a tower reaching to the clouds, which rose up out of a wild
dark forest.
is that?
boldly towards it. But what made the tailor open his eyes and
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mouth when he came near it, was to see that the tower had legs,
and leapt in one bound over the steep hill, and was now standing
as an all powerful giant before him. dost thou want here,
thou tiny fly's leg?
it were thundering on every side. The tailor whimpered, want
just to look about and see if I can earn a bit of bread for myself,
in this that is what thou art after,said the giant,

What wages shall I receive?- shalt hear what wages thou
shalt have. Every year three hundred and sixty-five days, and
when it is leap-year, one more into the bargain. Does that
his own mind,
I will try to get away as fast as I this the giant said
to him,
springtoo?asked the boaster, and went with the pitcher to the
in his beard, for he was rather clownish and stupid, and began
to be afraid. knave is not a fool, he has a wizard in his
body. Be on thy guard, old Hans, this is no serving-man for
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him go into the forest, and cut a couple of blocks of wood and
bring them back.
stroke. The whole forest, young and old, with all that is there,
both rough and smooth?
cut the wood. the whole forest, young and old, with all
that is there, both rough and smooth, and the well and its spring
more terrified.
and has a wizard in his body. Be on thy guard, old Hans, this
is no serving-man for thee!
wood, the giant commanded him to shoot two or three wild boars
for supper.
them all here?inquired the ostentatious tailor. cried
the timid giant in great terror; well alone to-night, and
lie down to rest.

The giant was so terribly alarmed that he could not close
an eye all night long for thinking what would be the best way
to get rid of this accursed sorcerer of a servant. Time brings
counsel. Next morning the giant and the tailor went to a marsh,
round which stood a number of willow-trees. Then said the giant,
thee, tailor, seat thyself on one of the willow-branches,
I long of all things to see if thou art big enough to bend it
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breath, and making himself so heavy that the bough bent down.
When, however, he was compelled to draw breath, it hurried him
(for unfortunately he had not put hisvgoose in his pocket) so
high into the air that he never was seen again, and this to the
great delight of the giant. If the tailor has not fallen down
again, he must be hovering about in the air.

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